Scientific journal NRU ITMO
Series "Economics and Environmental Management"
Registration certificate ЭЛ № ФС 77 – 55411 от 17.09.2013
registered by the Federal Inspectorate Service for Communication, Information Technologies and Communication Media

March 2025 (published: 04.03.2025)

Number 1(60)

Home > List of authors > Kopyltsova S.E.

Kopyltsova S.E.

Work place:

St. Petersburg National Research University of Informational Technologies, Mechanics and Optics; Institute of Refrigeration and Biotechnologies


Sergienko O.I., Kopyltsova S.E. Determination of food products environmental indicators based on a product life cycle assessment

The article was published in issue1 за 2011

Kozlouskaya I.Yu., Krukovich N.Yu., Martsul V.N., Kopyltsova S.E. Determination of environmental indicators of different recycling options for spent-catalyst of petroleum hydrocarbons cracking based on life cycle assessment

The article was published in issue2 за 2012

Kopyltsova S.E. Development of environmental dairy product declaration

The article was published in issue1 за 2013

Kopyltsova S.E., Kulyk M.I. , Falaleeva М.А. , Khandogina O.V. , Shilova I.V. The development and implementation of a multi-disciplinary course for higher environmental education “Introducing eco-innovations in urban governance”

The article was published in issue3 за 2014

Lenevych O.I. , Shestakova E.S. , Rudyk A.N. , Kopyltsova S.E. Evaluation of recreational load on topsoil and solutions for decreasing the forest ecosystems digression in the national natural park “Skole Beskids”, Ukrainian Carpathians

The article was published in issue3 за 2014

Floria L.V. , Kopyltsova S.E. Agroecological assessment of soil and conditions of the winter wheat crop formation in the North-West Black Sea region

The article was published in issue3 за 2014

Kopyltsova S.E. Development of information system on the best available technologies in the food industry based on environmental life cycle assessment

The article was published in issue4 за 2013

Editorial address:
191002, St. Petersburg, street. Lomonosova 9, office. 2132

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