Scientific journal NRU ITMO
Series "Economics and Environmental Management"
Registration certificate ЭЛ № ФС 77 – 55411 от 17.09.2013
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March 2025 (published: 04.03.2025)

Number 1(60)

Home > Publishing Ethics

Publishing Ethics

1. Introduction

1.1. The editorial board of the Journal is adopting international copyright regulations and the principles of ethics declared by Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

1.2. The articles published in scientific journals are a way of scientific communication contributing the development of scientific knowledge. Therefore, we shall set a standard for ethics to be followed by authors, editors, peer reviewers, and publisher of the Journal.

1.3. We support scientific communication, invest into it, and also take responsibility for supervision over scientific materials in terms of the aspects of their ethics described below.

2. Duties of Editors

2.1. Decision for publication

Editor of the Journal decide for publication individually or upon consultations with editorial board. The decision is based on the intellectual content of the manuscript.

The manuscripts are published in the Journal on the basis of licensing agreement among the publisher, the editors, and the authors after peer reviewing, editing, and proof reading having been completed. The editor shall follow legal norms concerning copyright and plagiarism.

2.2. Fair play

The editor should evaluate manuscripts for their intellectual content without regard to race, gender, religion beliefs or political philosophy of the authors, as well as their ethnic origin and citizenship.

2.3. Privacy

Editor shall not disclose personal data of the authors and reviewers, information about manuscripts submitted to the third parties apart from possible reviewers, scientific advisors, and publisher.

Unpublished data from the manuscripts submitted as well as information and ideas from peer reviewing shall be maintained in confidence.

2.4. Publication supervision

Editor shall take appropriate measures if some ethical problems concerning the submitted manuscripts or the published articles arise. The measures generally include communication with the authors or, occasionally, with the research centers etc. to rationalize a claim.

Editor shall prevent the so called guest or gift, and anonymous authorship.

3. Responsibility of the peer reviewer

3.1. The influence on the decisions of editorial board

Peer reviewer shall follow Peer Reviewing Guidelines of the Journal. Peer reviewing helps the editor to decide for the publication of the manuscript and to improve the research quality of the author. According the editorial board point of view all scientists should perform some peer reviewing duties to contribute scientific progress.

3.2. Promptness

If peer reviewer believes that his/her qualification is not enough to peer review a manuscript and if he/she has no enough time for reviewing at a proper level he/she should inform the editorial board about it asking to forward the manuscript to another peer reviewer.

3.3. Confidentiality

A manuscript for peer review has to be considered as a confidential document. It has not to be shared with third parties unauthorized by the editor.

3.4. Objectivity

Reviewers shall be objective while evaluating the manuscript, all their views should be expressed clearly with supporting arguments.

3.5. Acknowledgment of sources

Reviewees shall identify the books and articles of scientific importance on the topic of the manuscript that was omitted in the references section. Any published idea, conclusion, or argument must appear in the reference list of the manuscript. Reviewers shall also identify any cases when a manuscript bears a great resemblance to any published article of reviewer’s competence and bring the fact to the editor’s attention.

3.6. Information disclosure and conflict of interests Unpublished data from the manuscripts submitted shall be kept confidential; the materials from them shall not be used in a reviewer’s own research and in the third parties’ interests without the express written consent of the author. Reviewers shall not peer review the manuscripts if they have potential conflict of interests.

4. Duties of Authors

4.1. Data reliability and substantiation

Authors bear corporate responsibility for the content of the manuscript. The scientists should check the manuscript at all stages to guarantee that all data, methods, calculations, results, and conclusions as well as documents presented are correct.

4.2. Honesty and balanceness

Authors should present their results in a clear way without unfair data manipulating.The methods and findings should be described accurately following the usual academic practice. A paper should contain sufficient detail and references to permit others to replicate the work.

Research reports should be made in full. No part if unexplained or controversial information should be omitted even if it contradicts the authors’ hypotheses or the hypotheses of their sponsors.

New results should be presented in the context of previous researches. The papers of other scientists should be mentioned in a proper way. The reviews of existing researches and conclusions from them should be full, balanced, and include all the data even if they do not support the conclusions made by the authors.

If a mistake is detected in a submitted, reviewed, or published article the editor should be informed about it immediately.

Authors should cooperate with editors is some corrections, reduction and withdrawal of the manuscript is necessary. Authors should present references for the other papers in a correct and accurate way andshould not copy the references for the papers form the other publication if they did not read them in person.

4.3. Originality

The manuscripts should meet the criteria of being the original one and having not been already published in any language. The manuscript is not allowed be submitted to several journals at the same time.

Copyrighted material (e.g. tables, figures or long quotations) may be reproduced with consent of their authors only.

All previous papers of both the authors and other scientists should be referenced in a correct and accurate way. Source reference should be made whenever possible.

The authorship of data, texts, figures etc. from other sources should be clearly indicated, they should not be seen as belonging to the author. Quotations from the papers of other scientists should be marked by quotation marks and referenced properly.

4.4. Authorship

The authorship of the manuscripts should correspond to the contribution of individual scientists to the research. The responsibility for authorship identification belongs to the authors according to the rules adopted at their institutions. Scientific institutions should develop and support the fair standards for the authorship identification and acknowledgments. The researches guarantee that all the persons meeting the authorship criteria (making contribution to the research) and only they are declared as the authors.

The main author coordinates contacts between editorial board and other authors. He/she shall inform co-authors and to engage them in an official capacity when decisions concerning publication (e.g. response to the reviewers’ comments) are being made.

4.5. Cooperation with editorial board

If some serious mistakes in the manuscript are reported to the editor by the third parties the authors must withdraw the manuscript and correct mistakes within the minimum period of time.

Upon receiving condition consent for the publication of the manuscript authors should inform the editor if they refuse peer reviewing and if they are not going to answer reviewer's comments.

Authors should answer the questions of the reviewers in a professional manner and within the minimum period of time.

5. Duties of Publisher

Publisher shall follow the principles and procedures contributing to the ethical duties of editors, peer reviewers, and authors of the Journal listed above.

Editorial board of the Journal shall give support to the editors and peer reviewers if the ethical issues of any kind arise and f communication with other journals or/and publishers is necessary as a part of their duties.

Publisher shall support proper research practice and introduce industry standards to develop recommendations for ethics and the procedures of mistakes’ correction.

Publisher shall provide legal support of any kind if necessary.

Editorial address:
191002, St. Petersburg, street. Lomonosova 9, office. 2138, phone (812)480-02-71,

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