Scientific journal NRU ITMO
Series "Economics and Environmental Management"
Registration certificate ЭЛ № ФС 77 – 55411 от 17.09.2013
registered by the Federal Inspectorate Service for Communication, Information Technologies and Communication Media

2014 (published: 15.09.2014)

Number 3(18)

Home > Issue > Evaluation of recreational load on topsoil and solutions for decreasing the forest ecosystems digression in the national natural park “Skole Beskids”, Ukrainian Carpathians

UDC 630*114 (477.8)

Evaluation of recreational load on topsoil and solutions for decreasing the forest ecosystems digression in the national natural park “Skole Beskids”, Ukrainian Carpathians

Lenevych O.I. , Shestakova E.S. , Rudyk A.N. , Kopyltsova S.E.

Abstract. The article analyses the recreational potential of the north-eastern part of the National Natural Park (NNP) “Skole Beskids” in Ukrainian Carpathians. The researches prove that the some regularities of change in brown mountain-forest soils depend on the different degrees of recreational load. The article shows that changes in the components of the forest ecosystem lead to the transformation of the whole forest complex. Thus changes of the main characteristics of forest litter result in changes in water-physical properties of soils. It was estimated that increase of the recreational load reduced reduces stocks, power and fractional composition of the forest litter and parallelly increases soil bulk density and decreases its porosity, soil moisture and air capacity.Rainfall does not penetrate into the soil due to the poor soil permeability.The cumulative effect of all components of recreational load on soils leads to the degradation of forest ecosystems. The authors give recommendations to reduce the impact of recreational load on soils of NNP «Skole Beskids».

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Keywords: National Natural Park “Skole Beskids”, ecological trail, recreational load, brown mountain-forest soils, forest litter, soil bulk density, water permeability.

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