About the issue
March 2023 (published: 10.02.2023)
Number 1(52)
The management of environmental and economic efficiency of the import
of electric vehicles into the Russian Federation
Trubitsyn K.V.
, Tkachev V.K.
Abstract. The concept of environmental and economic efficiency is currently one of the central and relevant on the world agenda. The climate problem is being discussed at various levels. In the work, the authors raise the issue of evaluating such efficiency and its management in the context of the import and subsequent use of electric vehicles on the territory of the Russian Federation. The customs statistics of import of electric vehicles to Russia is given. It has been established that the leaders among the supplying countries are currently China (three-quarters of all deliveries in terms of value) and Belarus (more than half of deliveries in physical terms). Most electric vehicles are imported through the Central Federal District. The study of the possibility of model analysis of the impact of customs regulation of the import of electric vehicles into the customs territory of the EAEU in the work is carried out on the basis of the application of a production function of the Cobb-Douglas type. The factors that can be included in the model are the total excise taxes as a type of customs payment levied when cars are imported into the territory of the Russian Federation, and the number of electric cars sold in the Russian Federation. As a simulated indicator, an environmental and economic criterion was chosen, for which the ratio of the total volume of emissions into the atmosphere of the most common pollutants from road transport to the gross domestic product produced in the Russian Federation was taken. The results obtained as a result of modeling are positive in terms of their impact on the environment and the national economy. As a result of evaluating the effectiveness of the implementation of the model solution, it was found that the environmental and economic criterion reaches its optimal value, provided that each of the newly purchased electric vehicles in Russia must correspond to a total excise tax of 13.7 million rubles. Therefore, with a higher growth rate of sales of electric cars in terms of environmental efficiency, a gradual reduction in excise tax rates for cars with classic internal combustion engines is possible.
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Keywords: climate agenda, environmental and economic efficiency, customs statistics, production function, electric transport.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License
UDC 338.2
The management of environmental and economic efficiency of the import
of electric vehicles into the Russian Federation
Abstract. The concept of environmental and economic efficiency is currently one of the central and relevant on the world agenda. The climate problem is being discussed at various levels. In the work, the authors raise the issue of evaluating such efficiency and its management in the context of the import and subsequent use of electric vehicles on the territory of the Russian Federation. The customs statistics of import of electric vehicles to Russia is given. It has been established that the leaders among the supplying countries are currently China (three-quarters of all deliveries in terms of value) and Belarus (more than half of deliveries in physical terms). Most electric vehicles are imported through the Central Federal District. The study of the possibility of model analysis of the impact of customs regulation of the import of electric vehicles into the customs territory of the EAEU in the work is carried out on the basis of the application of a production function of the Cobb-Douglas type. The factors that can be included in the model are the total excise taxes as a type of customs payment levied when cars are imported into the territory of the Russian Federation, and the number of electric cars sold in the Russian Federation. As a simulated indicator, an environmental and economic criterion was chosen, for which the ratio of the total volume of emissions into the atmosphere of the most common pollutants from road transport to the gross domestic product produced in the Russian Federation was taken. The results obtained as a result of modeling are positive in terms of their impact on the environment and the national economy. As a result of evaluating the effectiveness of the implementation of the model solution, it was found that the environmental and economic criterion reaches its optimal value, provided that each of the newly purchased electric vehicles in Russia must correspond to a total excise tax of 13.7 million rubles. Therefore, with a higher growth rate of sales of electric cars in terms of environmental efficiency, a gradual reduction in excise tax rates for cars with classic internal combustion engines is possible.
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Keywords: climate agenda, environmental and economic efficiency, customs statistics, production function, electric transport.
DOI 10.17586/2310-1172-2023-16-1-73-84