About the issue
September 2018 (published: 27.09.2018)
Number 3(34)
Recycling resources in the focus of public-private partnership:
practice of application and direction of improvement
Koroleva L.P.
Abstract. The deficit of long-term financial resources is a key factor restraining the formation of a circular economy in Russia, in which waste is regarded as valuable resources. In connection, the subject of the study was the peculiarities of the legislative framework (registration) and the problem of the application of public-private partnership (PPP) as an institution for attracting long-term investments in the resource recycling industry. The task of the study is to justify the need to intensify PPP in the field of resource recycling and to develop recommendations for improving state management in developing the relevant sectoral infrastructure and the mechanism for budget financing of PPP projects, and for creating profitable conditions for the participation of private investors in them. The general scientific methods of research, methods of economic analysis of the series of dynamics, a comparative legal method are used. Peculiarities of financing PPP projects in the sphere of waste management are revealed: decentralization of financial commitments to the regional and municipal level with the concentration of financial resources (utilization and environmental charges) at the federal level; asymmetry in forms (prevalence of concession) and in objects (the predominance of projects for creating an infrastructure for the elimination of accumulated damage and disposal of waste) PPP projects. It was proposed to create an environmental extra-budgetary fund to centralize the financing of PPP projects with the authority of the institute for development of the recycling industry of resources; to develop at the federal level an action plan and an investment program for creating the infrastructure of the recycling industry; distribute the utilization and environmental charges between the budgets according to the norms or limits; expand the practice of applying quasi PPP projects in the subjects of the Russian Federation; carry out the unification and typology of PPP projects; to include in the list of objects of concession agreements production waste; to improve the payment mechanisms of return on investment.
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Keywords: resource recycling, public-private partnership, production and consumption wastes, waste management, investments.
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UDC 334.723:658.567.1:005.7
Recycling resources in the focus of public-private partnership:
practice of application and direction of improvement
Abstract. The deficit of long-term financial resources is a key factor restraining the formation of a circular economy in Russia, in which waste is regarded as valuable resources. In connection, the subject of the study was the peculiarities of the legislative framework (registration) and the problem of the application of public-private partnership (PPP) as an institution for attracting long-term investments in the resource recycling industry. The task of the study is to justify the need to intensify PPP in the field of resource recycling and to develop recommendations for improving state management in developing the relevant sectoral infrastructure and the mechanism for budget financing of PPP projects, and for creating profitable conditions for the participation of private investors in them. The general scientific methods of research, methods of economic analysis of the series of dynamics, a comparative legal method are used. Peculiarities of financing PPP projects in the sphere of waste management are revealed: decentralization of financial commitments to the regional and municipal level with the concentration of financial resources (utilization and environmental charges) at the federal level; asymmetry in forms (prevalence of concession) and in objects (the predominance of projects for creating an infrastructure for the elimination of accumulated damage and disposal of waste) PPP projects. It was proposed to create an environmental extra-budgetary fund to centralize the financing of PPP projects with the authority of the institute for development of the recycling industry of resources; to develop at the federal level an action plan and an investment program for creating the infrastructure of the recycling industry; distribute the utilization and environmental charges between the budgets according to the norms or limits; expand the practice of applying quasi PPP projects in the subjects of the Russian Federation; carry out the unification and typology of PPP projects; to include in the list of objects of concession agreements production waste; to improve the payment mechanisms of return on investment.
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Keywords: resource recycling, public-private partnership, production and consumption wastes, waste management, investments.
DOI 10.17586/2310-1172-2018-11-3-35-43