Scientific journal NRU ITMO
Series "Economics and Environmental Management"
Registration certificate ЭЛ № ФС 77 – 55411 от 17.09.2013
registered by the Federal Inspectorate Service for Communication, Information Technologies and Communication Media

September 2018 (published: 27.09.2018)

Number 3(34)

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Ecologization processes in enterprises for storage of grain crops and their economic incentive Kodryanu E.Y. , Treiman M.G.

pp. 3-13

Systematization of risks of the innovative project and possibilities of financing of the innovative project at the expense of venture funds in Russia Belskaya L.S. , Laskina L.Y.

pp. 14-22

The organization of interaction between the real and financial sectors of the Russian economy for the purpose of innovative development and national security Zueva O.A.

pp. 23-29

Estimation of economic and ecological perspectives of management of low-potential resources by the example of waste water heat from bakeries Didikov А.Е.

pp. 30-34

Recycling resources in the focus of public-private partnership: practice of application and direction of improvement Koroleva L.P.

pp. 35-43

Forecasted debt coverage as a tool for investment monitoring of companies Lvova N. A., Abramishvili N.R.

pp. 44-52

Transaction costs as a factor reducing the efficiency of the economy and public welfare Sosnilo A.I. , Zaitsev I.P.

pp. 53-60

Management. Environmental management

How does corporate risk management mitigate the effects of investment myopia Makarova V.A. , Kalchenko A.V. , Patsey L.A.

pp. 61-75

Models of innovative design in environmental management Kakava L.O. , Likhachev E.М.

pp. 76-83

Recycling in the system of factors ensuring sustainable development of the territory Zemskova E.S.

pp. 84-89

Lean manufacturing in the corporate management system at Russian enterprises Pavlova A.S. , Sergienko O.I., Trokhov E.S. , Dobrynina V.K.

pp. 90-105

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