About the issue
2015 (published: 02.12.2015)
Number 4(23)
The management of the process of continuous education in the modern university
with innovative infrastructure
Silakova L.V., Dubrovin S.A., Filatov V.M.
Abstract. The article is devoted to managerial aspects of the organization of life-long education in a modern University. The article discusses the concept of education throughout life in the context of the education reform taking place in Russia in recent decades. Through the prism of the new Law "On education" authors identified legislative changes in the approach to professional education. Also there was marked a departure from the rigid system of state regulation and orientation towards the inquiry from the market through independently determination by the educational institution of the content of the educational program additional profession education (APE) based on the needs of the customer. Authors examined the experience of development of system of continuous education in foreign countries. In particular, the Law of continuing education was passed in the U.S. in 1976, contained 19 different types programs to ensure the full development of the concept of life-long education, the purpose of which was to make education available to all segments of the society. Also authors considers the experience of Japan, reflecting the importance and economic feasibility of cooperation between the University and Industry. Then paper compares it with Russia's experience in this field and reveals the possibilities of application of successful examples in the Russian practice. On the base of the considering the center for continuing education of the ITMO University (Institute of Refrigeration and Biotechnologies), the article describes trends in the development of distance education, and explains the benefits of the additional education front courses. We are envisage that reformation of the APE area and developing in the University the system of life-long education will lead to forming an effective instrument of productivity growth and the basically economy.
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Keywords: life-long education, University, innovation infrastructure, reform of the education, national innovation system, the third mission of the University, integration of science and business.
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UDC 338, 378.14, 378.4
The management of the process of continuous education in the modern university
with innovative infrastructure
Abstract. The article is devoted to managerial aspects of the organization of life-long education in a modern University. The article discusses the concept of education throughout life in the context of the education reform taking place in Russia in recent decades. Through the prism of the new Law "On education" authors identified legislative changes in the approach to professional education. Also there was marked a departure from the rigid system of state regulation and orientation towards the inquiry from the market through independently determination by the educational institution of the content of the educational program additional profession education (APE) based on the needs of the customer. Authors examined the experience of development of system of continuous education in foreign countries. In particular, the Law of continuing education was passed in the U.S. in 1976, contained 19 different types programs to ensure the full development of the concept of life-long education, the purpose of which was to make education available to all segments of the society. Also authors considers the experience of Japan, reflecting the importance and economic feasibility of cooperation between the University and Industry. Then paper compares it with Russia's experience in this field and reveals the possibilities of application of successful examples in the Russian practice. On the base of the considering the center for continuing education of the ITMO University (Institute of Refrigeration and Biotechnologies), the article describes trends in the development of distance education, and explains the benefits of the additional education front courses. We are envisage that reformation of the APE area and developing in the University the system of life-long education will lead to forming an effective instrument of productivity growth and the basically economy.
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Keywords: life-long education, University, innovation infrastructure, reform of the education, national innovation system, the third mission of the University, integration of science and business.