Scientific journal NRU ITMO
Series "Economics and Environmental Management"
Registration certificate ЭЛ № ФС 77 – 55411 от 17.09.2013
registered by the Federal Inspectorate Service for Communication, Information Technologies and Communication Media

2015 (published: 02.12.2015)

Number 4(23)

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From expenses to results Vakhrusheva N.A. , Kornyakov V.I.

pp. 1-6

Management of operational risks of bank in the Russian Federation Golubev A.A., Sizova T.M.

pp. 7-13

Optimization of inventories and cash assets: conception and toolkit Lisitsa M.I.

pp. 14-24

Discussion questions for assessing the economic potential of the territory Nikiforova V.D., Nikiforov A.A.

pp. 25-32

Organization of high school technologies transfer in the russian industry Prihodko R.V.

pp. 33-40

Development of the monetary policy of Russia Smirnov N.N.

pp. 41-48

The modern approach to the study of the role and the convergence of the real and financial sectors Zueva O.A.

pp. 49-56

The history of the crowdfunding .The classification of species. Analysis of development prospects and benefits Sanin M.K.

pp. 57-63

Criteria of economic security and higher education: theory and practice Plotnikov N.V. , Prishibilovich T.B.

pp. 64-69

Impact of crisis for tax conditions in Russian companies’ debt financing Pokrovskaia N.V.

pp. 70-76

Organization of intermodal transport: international and russian experience Vasilenok V.L., Negreeva V.V., Shevchenko Y.V.

pp. 77-88

Rinciples of the organization of the global economic system Dyatlov S.A. , Volkov S. D.

pp. 89-96

Credit and budget mechanisms of investments financing in Russia Ivanov V.V.

pp. 97-103

EQ in enternet: influence economy and marketing decisions Kaplina Y.E. , Tikhomirova I.V. , Zhebalov V.G.

pp. 104-110

Assessment of prospects of social and economic development zernoproduktovy subcomplex of the Ulyanovsk region in a context need of ensuring food security Ruslan Mansurov

pp. 111-118

The implementation of the economic interests of Russia in the conditions of sanctions: a retrospective analysis Kopanev A.A. , Olga Kuzmina

pp. 119-124

Adaptation of the method of the assessment of the creditworthiness of counterparties in the interbank market in the uncertainty Markovskaia E.I. , Vasilieva A.S.

pp. 125-135

Institute of creative education as a way of investing in human capital of Russian Federation Medved A.A. , Medved P.A.

pp. 136-144

Prospects of development and the analysis of a system effectiveness plastic cards in Russia Sizov A.A. , Kulikova M.A.

pp. 145-152

Unemployment: Nature and Causes Yakovleva A.V.

pp. 153-160

Some features of development of the organizations providing community, social and personal services in the context of economic security Korostelyova A.M.

pp. 161-165


Methods implementation of enterepreneurial projects through public-private pertnership Shpakovich D.K.

pp. 166-171

Social functions of uniform transport system Emirova A.E., Emirov N.D.

pp. 172-180

Risk management insurance company on the basis of the information model Moiseev A.V. , Kindayev A.Yu.

pp. 181-189

Forms and social technology mobilizes management system business Vasilenok V.L., Brazevich D.S.

pp. 190-200

Modernization of training manager as an important step towards economic prosperity Russia Malyavko D.P., Kolotilin A.V.

pp. 201-206

The management of the process of continuous education in the modern university with innovative infrastructure Silakova L.V., Dubrovin S.A., Filatov V.M.

pp. 207-215

Methods of the customer service process management on industrial enterprises Borodulina S.A. , Shimokhin A.V.

pp. 216-226

Assessment of priority private areas the activities of the regional authorities in the social sector Dzhigkaev Z.F. , Emirov N.D.

pp. 227-231

Innovative aspects of the human capital management system of higher education Alekseeva I.A.

pp. 232-237

Mechanism of management development of potential of the industrial enterprise to ensure the sustainability of its functioning Vetrova E.N., Cheryapina A.V.

pp. 238-247

Emergence and development of the virtual organization Kuznetsov Y.V. , Melyakova E.V.

pp. 248-256

Effective management of the internal control as the basis for secure information support of the organization Makarchenko M.A., Nerkararyan S.A.

pp. 257-269

The problem of communication in a process of data flows Minchenko L.V., Yakovleva N.P.

pp. 270-278

Standard elements strategically oriented organizational structure of the innovative-educational complex Mishura L.G.

pp. 279-284

Features methodical maintenance of management accounting tax calculations Smagina A.Y.

pp. 285-296

Modern ICT development: economic and social aspects Shestakova I.G.

pp. 297-304

Environmental management

The protection of the water sources in Russia: the main stages, perspectives Lopatin S.A., Terentev V.I., Baychenko L.A.

pp. 305-308

Evaluation environmental and economic efficiency applications alternative methods of heat on the enterprise manufacturing juice products Didikov А.Е., Alekseeva M.E.

pp. 309-318

The impact of ecological literacy in the effectiveness and efficiency of the state strategic management of territories Zlochevsky I.A. , Buletova N.E.

pp. 319-334

Analysis of the new international requirements to environmental management systems in context of the Russian conditions Slavinsky D.A., Khoroshavin A.V., Smirnova M.V.

pp. 335-341

Evaluation of resource efficiency and environmental impact of technological processes in the automotive industry Sergienko O.I., Kashchenko Y.S.

pp. 342-352

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