Scientific journal NRU ITMO
Series "Economics and Environmental Management"
Registration certificate ЭЛ № ФС 77 – 55411 от 17.09.2013
registered by the Federal Inspectorate Service for Communication, Information Technologies and Communication Media

December 2014 (published: 09.12.2014)

Number 4(19)

Home > Issue > Unemployment Benefits in the Context of Non-Standard Employment: Contemporary Practices in Denmark

UDC 331

Unemployment Benefits in the Context of Non-Standard Employment: Contemporary Practices in Denmark

Yakovleva A.V.

Abstract. In the context ofa post-industrial economy, the social realization of personality is increasingly associated with freedom of choice and repeated and multiple change of profession throughout life, so that non-standard employment is becoming a more typical, rather than exceptional form of the economy. For employees engaged in these types of flexible employment, which in most cases mean vulnerability, this situation is escalating due to the non-compliance of a number of social protection systems with personal factors. Since these systems call for standard employment which determines the payment of some benefits, they do not necessarily provide adequate protection (in terms of replacement income) in the event of unforeseen circumstances. The change of the typical features of employment is followed by the expansion of new unemployment insurance practices. The article discusses the experience of Denmark which was among the first in Europe to introduce unemployment insurance for part-time workers. The most attention is paid to the criteria used to calculate the amount of benefit.

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Keywords: riskof unemployment, non-standard employment, social insurance, payment criteria, employment, unemployment.

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