Scientific journal NRU ITMO
Series "Economics and Environmental Management"
Registration certificate ЭЛ № ФС 77 – 55411 от 17.09.2013
registered by the Federal Inspectorate Service for Communication, Information Technologies and Communication Media

March 2025 (published: 04.03.2025)

Number 1(60)



Методология структурной трансформация экономики Арктической зоны Afanasieva N.V. , Bogachev V.F. , Mikulenok A.S.

The article substantiates the feasibility and timeliness of carrying out a structural transformation of the economy based on the using the international standards methodology of quality management systems (QMS), widely used in the world practice of forming organizational management structures. An assessment of the scientific development degree for the problem of forming an effective mechanism for transforming the economic management structure of spatial systems indicates that this problem is especially relevant at the present time. The purpose of the study is to develop the theoretical foundations for reforming the economic management structure and identifying trends and patterns of the economy structural transformation. The scientific hypothesis is that the process of economic transformation should begin with reforming the management structure as its most important element. The object of study is the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation (AZRF), which, having a number of specific features, is an ideal testing ground for economic experiments. The study used theoretical and empirical methods, including methods of simulation modeling, forecasting, as well as methods of expert assessments and. Authors developed an interregional management mechanism based on the implementation of quality management system (QMS) management standards based on an analysis of the main stages of preparation and implementation of a number of major projects for restructuring management systems and recommendations for the Development Department of the Russian Arctic and the implementation of infrastructure projects of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for the Development of the Far East and Arctic.

Исследование промышленных экосистем в контексте децентрализованного экономического развития Nikiforov A.A., Nikiforova V.D.

The article analyzes the profound changes in the system of business organization and management due to the processes of globalization, digitalization, and the formation of ecosystems. Special attention is paid to industrial ecosystems from the position of disclosing the content of the concept of “ecosystem”, emphasis is placed on the managerial aspects of the study. With the increasing dynamism of the external environment, increasing complexity of interorganizational ties, the issues of formation and expansion of decentralized network management structures of economic systems, search for flexibility of industrial ecosystems under the influence of increased competition between companies, increasing complexity of component value for the consumer are becoming more relevant. Based on the analysis of ecosystem processes in industry, the main directions for achieving structural changes in the industrial electric power industry in order to achieve sustainable development are determined. The ecosystem approach to research, which combines cluster spatial, structural-functional, network and other approaches, allowed us to reveal the contradictions and factors of industrial ecosystems development based on the desire of business to economic growth, social and environmental responsibility through the use of the potential of digital technologies, innovations, adaptive communication of actors included in the ecosystem. To ensure innovative development of the industrial electric power industry, it is important to create favorable conditions for structural transformation based on the practical implementation of a decentralized model of companies' activities in the field of electricity generation, sales and consumption, state partnership with the use of innovative development funds and institutions, integration of centralized and distributed energy systems, transformation of traditional business processes, etc.

Формирования содержания учебной дисциплины «экономическая теория» на основе дизайна Shapiro N.A., Vakhitova L.R. , Rubstova O.L. , Gyliaeva V.B.

The purpose of this article is to substantiate the change of the stereotype of the traditional educational standard for design, on the basis of which the content of economic theory as a modern academic discipline should be formed. Design is considered in the context of a methodological framework that is relevant to the state of fragmentation of modern economic science, where the "sides of the frame" are theories offering various solutions to the same problem, determined by the future professional competencies of an economist. The substantiation of the proposed proposal is based on the logic of metamodernism, according to which a separate, single theory / concept, considered outside the cultural context, loses its critical scientific value. The article begins with a brief overview of the modern discussion on the problem of the content of the academic discipline "economic theory", a retrospective characteristic of economic science, starting from one large theory to the state of fragmentation, which became a challenge to replace the standard content with a different way of forming the academic discipline. Further, we consider existing educational practices in which the use of design as an alternative to the standard has long been established as a productive solution, and also propose new possible options. The article is of a debatable nature.



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