Scientific journal NRU ITMO
Series "Economics and Environmental Management"
Registration certificate ЭЛ № ФС 77 – 55411 от 17.09.2013
registered by the Federal Inspectorate Service for Communication, Information Technologies and Communication Media

September 2016 (published: 30.09.2016)

Number 3(26)

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The Russian experience of transition to new technological level in the conditions of sanctions Vasilenok V.L., Aleksashkina E.I.

pp. 1-11

VaR (EaR) Methodology for the Intellectual Assets Portfolio Risk Evaluation Voronov V.S. , Darushin I.A.

pp. 12-23

Methodological approaches to the study of the nature and measurement of innovation potential Zueva O.A.

pp. 24-29

Criminalization of financial relations as a threat to financial provision of achievement of sustained economic growth Litvinenko A.N. , Alpatov G.Е.

pp. 30-35

The methodology of abnormal profitability evaluation to the purposes of financial stability monitoring Lvova N. A.

pp. 36-41

Technique of an assessment of efficiency of use of fixed assets taking into account security of the region with a manpower Pavlov K.V. , Mitrofanova I.V. , Mitrofanova I.А.

pp. 42-49

Tasks of the regional authorities in the field of development of a mining complex Peshkova G.Yu.

pp. 50-56

Models of taxation of income from bank deposits and their relation with the volume of household savings Pokrovskaia N.V.

pp. 57-64

Status and prospects of e-commerce Vetrova E.N., Yakovenko E.A.

pp. 65-70

Management. Environmental management

Management of financial flows in the logistics complex Negreeva V.V., Tcimbalist-Kolesnikova I.A. , Shevchenko Y.V.

pp. 71-78

Study of the management tasks for national economy in Russia Usik N.I.

pp. 79-84

The modern model of management of social investments in business organization Brazevich D.S. , Gerasimova A.Yu., Tolstikova Irina I.

pp. 85-92

State and ways of strengthening of «the ecological framework» of the Volgograd region Mitrofanova I.V. , Pashkova E.S.

pp. 93-97

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