Scientific journal NRU ITMO
Series "Economics and Environmental Management"
Registration certificate ЭЛ № ФС 77 – 55411 от 17.09.2013
registered by the Federal Inspectorate Service for Communication, Information Technologies and Communication Media

December 2019 (published: 18.12.2019)

Number 4(39)

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Training for knowledge-based digital economy on the basis of innovative integrated structures Vasetskaya N.O. , Anton A. Glukhov

pp. 3-12

Economic substantiation of the introduction of additive technology in the technological processes of production of the production of the company Shimokhin A.V.

pp. 13-19

Socio-economic significance of the introduction of e-government technologies in the suburbanized territories of Russia Repkin А.I., Mityagin Sergey A, Drozhzhin A.I.

pp. 20-30

Scientific principles of the development of information systems architecture and their implementation in the management of organizational and economic transformations at the enterprise Anisiforov A.B. , Dubgorn A.S.

pp. 31-40

Problems of labor protection and industrial safety of ferrous metallurgy enterprises Vasilenok V.L., Negreeva V.V., Kagiyan O.A.

pp. 41-50

Assessment and analysis of changes in the tax policy of the Russian Federation in 2016-2022 Gordienko M.S.

pp. 51-71

List of requirements for the architecture of the digital space of Russian business to the technologies providing its realization Ilyin I.V. , Svetunkov S.G. , Bagaeva I.V. , Borremans A.D.

pp. 72-79

Dynamics of structural changes in the economy of the European North of Russia Leonidova E.G.

pp. 80-90

Territorial features of agricultural development in the Vologda region Patrakova S.S.

pp. 91-110

Modification of the food security model in the context of environmental sustainability requirements Sausheva O.S.

pp. 111-122

Management of migration processes in order to stabilize socio-economic relations Shchelakova V.A. , Salmanov A.В.

pp. 123-135

Deoffshorization of the economy of the Russian Federation and ways to solve the problem Emirov N.D., Primack T.A.

pp. 136-141

Management. Environmental management

Management of competitiveness of the production company in the regional market Surat V.I. , Soklakova I.V. , Santalova M.S.

pp. 142-152

Mechanism of organizational and financial security of management of climatic safety Yashalova N.N. , Yakovleva E.N. , Smirnov A.V.

pp. 153-164

Monitoring and proactive management of environmental innovations in tourism: goal setting Karpova G.A. , Maximova T.G., Eid N.

pp. 165-176

CRM-system as an innovative tool to improve the competitiveness of the organization Klochkova A.V., Bebyakina A.A.

pp. 177-184

On the economic efficiency of liquid industrial waste utilization using heat pumps Rachmanov Y.A. , Sergienko O.I., Dmitrieva A.P.

pp. 185-195

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