About the issue
SEPTEMBER 2011 (published: 01.09.2011)
Number 2(9)
Possibilities of reception of starch at a clearing stage Potato
working bodies of pulse influence
Головацкий В.А.
Abstract. In the given work equipment perfection by manufacture of starch with new working bodies pulse vozdej-stvija is illustrated. It is known that at clearing of a potato of a peel for the purpose of its distance-nejshej of processing, especially at small enterprises, there is chastich th and at times full of plums of products of clearing in the water drain. On the other hand, existing technologies and the equipment by starch manufacture not a floor-nostju provide its recycling and, thereby, starch again gets all to the same water drain, breaking ecological conditions.
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Keywords: ecology, clearing, starch reception
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UDC 664.03.
Possibilities of reception of starch at a clearing stage Potato
working bodies of pulse influence
Abstract. In the given work equipment perfection by manufacture of starch with new working bodies pulse vozdej-stvija is illustrated. It is known that at clearing of a potato of a peel for the purpose of its distance-nejshej of processing, especially at small enterprises, there is chastich th and at times full of plums of products of clearing in the water drain. On the other hand, existing technologies and the equipment by starch manufacture not a floor-nostju provide its recycling and, thereby, starch again gets all to the same water drain, breaking ecological conditions.
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Keywords: ecology, clearing, starch reception