About the issue
SEPTEMBER 2011 (published: 01.09.2011)
Number 2(9)
Optimization of district authorities organization structure as the direction of public administration efficiency growth
Petropavlova G.P., Kastryulina Y.M.
Abstract. The article, based on analysis of existing administration organizational structure one of St. Petersburg’s district (Kirovskiy) and the social and economic development’s results proposes to realize a fundamentally new approach to its improvement, which increases public administration efficiency at a regional level.
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Keywords: Public administration efficiency, organizational structure of the district’s administration of St. Petersburg
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Optimization of district authorities organization structure as the direction of public administration efficiency growth
Abstract. The article, based on analysis of existing administration organizational structure one of St. Petersburg’s district (Kirovskiy) and the social and economic development’s results proposes to realize a fundamentally new approach to its improvement, which increases public administration efficiency at a regional level.
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Keywords: Public administration efficiency, organizational structure of the district’s administration of St. Petersburg