About the issue
SEPTEMBER 2010 (published: 01.09.2010)
Number 2(7)
Home > Issue > Influence of climatic fluctuations and their consequences
on the economy, population health and comfort
of its residence in the territory of Russia
Sergeev A.A.
The article describes the ways of climatic change influence on the economy and human health: the risks of high temperatures impact and comfortable residential zones shift are analyzed; a substantial decrease of the climatic discomfort is shown; measures to minimize negative impacts of climatic fluctuations are concluded to be necessary.
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Keywords: climatic change, dangerous natural phenomena, comfortable residential, climatic discomfort
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UDC 33:502
Influence of climatic fluctuations and their consequences
on the economy, population health and comfort
of its residence in the territory of Russia
The article describes the ways of climatic change influence on the economy and human health: the risks of high temperatures impact and comfortable residential zones shift are analyzed; a substantial decrease of the climatic discomfort is shown; measures to minimize negative impacts of climatic fluctuations are concluded to be necessary.
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Keywords: climatic change, dangerous natural phenomena, comfortable residential, climatic discomfort