Scientific journal NRU ITMO
Series "Economics and Environmental Management"
Registration certificate ЭЛ № ФС 77 – 55411 от 17.09.2013
registered by the Federal Inspectorate Service for Communication, Information Technologies and Communication Media

September 2024 (published: 09.09.2024)

Number 3(58)



Концепция человеческого капитала – актуальная сегодня и отвергнутая в прошлом Shapiro N.A., Prihodko R.V.

The paper provides a description of the concept of human capital as one of the most relevant and in-demand concepts today. For comparison with it, a historical and theoretical reconstruction of the idea of immaterial goods and immaterial capitals of Russian economists in the first half of the 19th century, which were forgotten and rejected by the end of this century, is presented. The authors of the paper consider Russian ideas about non-material goods as a prototype of the modern theory of human capital, and offer possible options explaining the reasons for the lack of due attention to this concept in the Russian academic community. Further, the modern concept of human capital and intangible goods is compared, their common features and differences are noted. Focusing on the metamodern approach, the following are shown: the gap between what and how it was previously imagined, what problems the concept faces today, and what should be studied on the basis of existing instruments or concepts, what still needs to be done. The authors' conclusion is that the idea of intangible goods was a guess, and the concept of human capital is a reflection of reality. The concepts arose in different historical periods and their differences from each other are explained by the level of economic development, its demand for scientific knowledge and the role of education in society. Answering the question of what the modern concept can learn from the historical one, the original general cultural purpose of non-material goods and the purely economic purpose of investment in education are pointed out. However, the trends in the spread of the human capital concept indicate its general cultural and interdisciplinary prospects. Scientific novelty consists in clarifying a number of theoretical positions of the concept of non-material goods and the results of comparison with the concept of human capital.


Финансовая модель оценки инвестиционной привлекательности проекта в условиях ограничения некоторых параметров Lisitsa M.I. , Popov V.P.

The subject of the research is the process of financial modeling within the framework of investment design, which is the object of the study. At the same time, the purpose of the work is to substantiate the approach indicated in the title, physically embodied in a template programmed by means of a large-format spreadsheet and performing automatic calculations, which does not require a high level of financial qualification from its potential users. The hypothesis of the study is revealed through its assumptions and can be summarized as an asymmetric understanding of the project by its author and potential investor, in connection with which it is necessary to form ideas about the project that smooth out the asymmetry by excluding manipulations, in particular, related to the assessment of efficiency. For this purpose, specific tasks are solved: 1) fixing assumptions and interpretations used in work; 2) formulation of a list of conditions and parameters that make up the content of the study; 3) providing a mathematical solution, physical embodiment and graphic representation of the development; 4) approbation of an approach based on a randomly found example that is in the public domain. Methodologically, the study is based on certain aspects of the theory of bounded rationality and methods of financial calculations. The result of the scientific novelty is the development of the approach indicated in the title of the study, including its particular implementations: 1) interpretations of: a) technical design; b) business idea; c) financial design; d) investment attractiveness; e) financial model; 2) a template programmed by means of a large-format spreadsheet and performing automatic calculations; 3) the perpetual annuity model, which fixes the volume of capital investments in the pre-numerando regime, as well as the amount of net profit and depreciation in the post-numerando regime, in relation to the measurement of: a) net present value; b) internal rate of profit. As a final conclusion, the proposed approach can be recognized as workable within the framework of projects that provide for capital investments, but excludes the calculation of performance indicators that do not correspond to the initially laid mathematical prerequisites.


Инструменты менеджмента образования в преодолении разрыва между теорией и практикой Grigoriev I.V. , Gorovoy A.A. , Gavrilyuk E.S. , Litvinova N.A.

The purpose of this study is to describe educational management tools that are used in bridging the gap between theory and practice, which are considered in the context of the reasons for this gap. The article is devoted to the problems of updating the professional competencies that graduates of economic universities receive. The authors of the article believe that the gap between theory and practice appears due to the lack of acquired practical skills and the expectations and needs of real business. The reasons for the discrepancy between the content of academic disciplines and the required practical skills were identified based on the analysis of a wide array of publications on the problems of teaching in universities, as well as by the method of sociological survey (questioning) of students. The article shows existing tools designed to mitigate the gap between theory and practice when mastering higher education programs. These tools include: inviting practitioners to teach at universities; using the case study method; partnerships between universities and commercial companies, including the creation of joint centers and departments; creation of a system of continuous training and internships for teachers; development of practice, including the use of immersive technologies. This study is in line with the discussion about current professional competencies, the stimulation of the use of which is necessary for management in the field of higher education.

Важнейшие проблемы, возникающие в ходе цифровой трансформации предприятий, и подходы к их решению Anisiforov A.B.

For business, digital transformation is the process of integrating modern information technologies into the enterprise management system, ensuring the achievement of the set goals of the organization's development. Generally, this is a revolutionary transformation of economic relations caused by the introduction of breakthrough digital technologies and related new business models that require constant changes in all information and communication processes of the enterprise, as well as a number of organizational and technical changes. The article considers the most significant problems of an organizational, economic, and technological nature, the occurrence of which during the implementation of a digital transformation project can lead to information and financial risks. It is mentioned that the implementation of digital transformation projects leads to serious infrastructural changes both in the enterprise management system and in the field of production and economic activity. The aim of the work is to systematize the most important problems, the occurrence of which can lead to economic losses and create threats to the information security of the enterprise. The special role of the information management system is highlighted, as the most important component of the enterprise management system, and the information service (IT organization) of the enterprise, for which the protection of the enterprise's information infrastructure, the supply of ongoing service support and the implementation of design solutions during digital transformation become the most important tasks. It also characterizes a number of techniques, tools and standards, the use of which will ensure more efficient operation of the information management system and information security during the implementation of the digital transformation project. The approaches, methods and tools that are used to manage the IT infrastructure of an enterprise, the features of its formation and the possibility of adapting to changes during the digital transformation project are also considered. The development of the organizational, economic and information infrastructure of the enterprise is considered as the central objective of information management in the projects of digital transformation of the enterprise, which involve constant changes in the management system, radically changing the way of doing business and its information support.

Клиентоориентированность как управленческая технология Kalyuzhnova N.Ya., Koshurnikova Y.E.

Customer focus plays an important role in enhancing competitiveness and creating a sustainable advantage for companies. However, in domestic literature, customer focus is not yet considered a full-fledged management technology. It is mainly perceived as a marketing concept for which clear evaluation criteria and measurement methods have not yet been developed. This article examines the main approaches to the concept of customer focus, and proposes a new author's vision of it as a management technology. In this approach, all business processes of the company are aimed at achieving the main goal - customer satisfaction. At the same time, the company's strategy is formed not only with the participation of employees interacting with customers directly, but also all employees, including participants in the supply chain: from manufacturers to service companies and the customers themselves. The key business processes aimed at satisfying customer needs are identified: collecting customer data, analyzing it, disseminating information within the company, developing and improving goods and services based on the collected data, interacting with customers and receiving feedback, training personnel and increasing their customer focus, as well as developing long-term relationships with customers. The article describes the methodology for assessing and implementing customer focus in a company. In the future, it is planned to develop qualitative and quantitative indicators for each highlighted aspect, as well as conduct an analysis of the application of this system in real conditions.

Управление изменениями в сфере закупок: инструменты ситуационного реагирования на проблемы контрактной системы Litvinenko A.N.

The relevance of the work, based on the importance of developing an effective policy in the field of public procurement, determined the choice of the object of research – the problems of the domestic contract system in the field of procurement, determining the need for its changes. The article uses the theory of change management in relation to the analysis of the procurement sphere. The subject area of the study is outlined by the managerial relations between the subjects of the procurement process implementing changes in the field of procurement, which the author understands as structured organizational changes related to technologies, procurement procedures, system structure and changes in the behavior of subjects of the procurement process. The analysis of the collected information made it possible to summarize the experience accumulated so far and evaluate it from the standpoint of the need for further study and use when choosing tools for effective change management in the field of procurement. The purpose of the work is to identify the current problems of the contract system, and to assess the results of managing changes in the field of procurement in terms of their impact on the competitiveness of Russian manufacturers, reducing dependence on imports and the development of domestic production. To achieve the purpose of the study, an analysis of scientific sources and a synthesis method were used when comparing estimates of emerging problems in the field of public procurement. The obtained research results allowed us to conclude that it is necessary to improve the quality of procurement regulation through the development of management tools to ensure procurement efficiency with an assessment of cost-effectiveness, efficiency, efficiency, strategic focus and timeliness as parameters of procurement activities. It remains fundamentally important to take measures to counter corruption schemes through the algorithmization of management processes in procurement procedures. Recommendations were formulated on adjusting the mechanisms of the contract system, taking into account the linking of procedures for solving systemic problems that have existed in different formats since the beginning of the Russian contract system, with situational response tools to minimize the consequences of post-sanctions problems. These results can be used to clarify the directions for further action in the field of change management in the field of procurement.

Формирование управленческих отношений на основе взаимосвязи экономики и энергетики в странах ШОС Nikonorov. C.M. , Xu Yun , Zhang Shulin

On May 22, 2024, the fifth meeting of the ministers of environment of the member states of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) was held in Astana. Currently, the SCO has 9 member states and has become an international organization with the largest population and the widest radiation zone in the world. Current research on member states usually focuses on a specific member state or a specific area of cooperation, lacks a common vision, and fails to comprehensively summarize the development status of member states. We created a dynamic panel model SYS-GMM to place economic growth, energy intensity, energy consumption and carbon dioxide emissions of member countries into the same analysis framework with a time interval from 2000 to 2022. and compared with it using a static panel model. The results show that in the regression results of the dynamic panel model, energy consumption, energy intensity and carbon dioxide emissions are significant. Energy consumption has a positive stimulating effect on economic growth, that is, every time energy consumption increases by 1%, the economic level will increase by 11.53%. Energy intensity has an inverse effect on economic growth, that is, every time energy intensity increases by 1%, the economic level decreases by 4.612%. Carbon dioxide emissions have an inverse effect on economic growth, that is, every time carbon dioxide emissions increase by 1%, the economic level decreases by 0.159%.

Управление инновационным развитием высшего образования Китая на базе формирования организационно-экономического механизма Zhutjaeva S.A. , Lei Hua

The aim of the work is to study the development trends of the higher education sector in China, to develop an organizational and economic mechanism for higher education in order to manage innovative development. The subject of the study is organizational and economic relations arising in the process of innovative development of higher education organizations in China. The object of the study is the organizations of the higher education sector of China. The information base of the study consisted of: legal acts regulating the activities of educational organizations; data from statistical reports of the Ministry of Education; National Bureau of Statistics, publications on the results of scientific research of Russian and foreign scientists and the results of the author's own research. To achieve the goal and solve the tasks, a set of theoretical and empirical methods that complement each other were used. To substantiate the theoretical and methodological provisions, the methods of systematization, comparative, logical and structural analysis and synthesis were used. The article describes important stages in the history of higher education development in China. The current trends in the development of higher education are analyzed, namely, the number of higher education institutions by type, the dynamics of the number of general public and private universities, the number of higher education institutions by provinces of China, the number of students in higher education institutions, the level of employment of graduates, the number of teaching staff. An assessment of the quality of higher education in China over the past few years is given, which is a strong incentive to create an innovative system of higher education. The article proposes an organizational and economic mechanism for ensuring innovative development of higher education, taking into account the specifics of Chinese legislation and established practice based on the construction of innovative platforms that involve certain processes and principles of implementation; the creation of an integrated environment based on the pooling of resources, the establishment of connections between participants.

Организационная культура как инструмент совершенствования мотивационного менеджмента Negreeva V.V., Smirnova E.V. , Vasilyeva Y.D.

The relevance of this study is due to the need to ensure sustainable growth of the economy of the organization, since the achievement of goals is impossible without the development and implementation of an effective enterprise strategy. Modern economy is largely determined by the availability of tools to improve motivational management. And one of them is a high level of development of organizational culture. Economic security, which depends on the ability of employees to counteract the development of negative risk situations, plays a key role in ensuring the stable and effective functioning of organizations. The purpose of this paper is to study the influence of organizational culture on the motivation of personnel activity in the framework of ensuring the economic security of the organization, as well as the development of measures aimed at improving organizational culture. Combining these two elements in the management process becomes a key factor in the successful functioning of the organization's activities and its ability to effectively respond to changing market conditions. The object of the study is PJSC “Magnit”. The subject of research in this paper is the impact of organizational culture elements on the level of employee motivation, affecting the economic security of the organization. The analysis of the current organizational culture of PJSC “Magnit” allowed to identify the following problems. Limited autonomy in decision-making and insufficient opportunities for the realization of skills and abilities reduce the motivation of employees. Dissatisfaction with wages is also a serious problem. To increase employee engagement, reduce employee turnover and ensure long-term success, PJSC Magnit proposed measures to improve organizational culture.

Необходимые условия для принятия решения о вхождении в бизнес Vasilenok V.L., Aleksashkina E.I.

The relevance of the presented research is that the entrepreneurial process involves an increasing number of people. The goal set before the authors is to show people who are just entering the business, from what components the model of an entrepreneur is formed. The interaction of the main components of entrepreneurship make it possible to visualize and form the necessary conditions for entry into business. The most important features of entrepreneurship are: autonomy and independence of business entities; economic interest; economic risk and responsibility; registration in the manner prescribed by law. In this regard, there is a need for the entrepreneur to respond quickly and flexibly to all the challenges of management and, in particular, it concerns changes in the taxation system. The article uses the research method of comparative-comparative analysis. The results obtained in the course of the research can be used to form the necessary conditions for entering the business.

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