About the issue
SEPTEMBER 2010 (published: 01.09.2010)
Number 2(7)
Improvement of diagnostic services in telemedicine
using logistics
Laskina L.Y., Dzhedzhelava E. I., Odintsov V.N.
Abstract. The article is devoted to the peculiarities of logistic approach to health care provision while using telemedicine technology. The existing algorithms for diagnostics of thyroid gland are provided; data on expenses of all stakeholders — budgets of different levels, CHI, personal funds of citizens — are given. An alternative more efficient algorithm to examine patients from remote areas is provided, which is possible due to information technologies.
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Keywords: logistics, logistic approach, telemedicine, transfer, budget, cost price of services
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UDC 334
Improvement of diagnostic services in telemedicine
using logistics
Abstract. The article is devoted to the peculiarities of logistic approach to health care provision while using telemedicine technology. The existing algorithms for diagnostics of thyroid gland are provided; data on expenses of all stakeholders — budgets of different levels, CHI, personal funds of citizens — are given. An alternative more efficient algorithm to examine patients from remote areas is provided, which is possible due to information technologies.
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Keywords: logistics, logistic approach, telemedicine, transfer, budget, cost price of services