Scientific journal NRU ITMO
Series "Economics and Environmental Management"
Registration certificate ЭЛ № ФС 77 – 55411 от 17.09.2013
registered by the Federal Inspectorate Service for Communication, Information Technologies and Communication Media

SEPTEMBER 2010 (published: 01.09.2010)

Number 2(7)

Home > Issue > State defensive order in construction of military ships and its performance in view of vocational structure of workers

UDC 338

State defensive order in construction of military ships and its performance in view of vocational structure of workers

Zheshko N.V.

Abstract. State defensive order plays the basic role in construction of military ships for the Ministry of Defense, determining business model and reflecting vocational structure of workers. In the study the role of the Ministry of Defense is estimated in construction of military ships. Construction of civil and military ships, models of business in the different countries and qualifications of "white" and "blue collarets" during creation of the ships are compared. The comparison shows when constructing warships in the context of state defensive order, one should give consideration to the influence the Ministry of Defense exerts, which is occasionally rather negative in Russia, and also to the mixed type business model where highly skilled experts are acceptable in that process.

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Keywords: state defensive order, Ministry of Defense, military ships, civil ships, model of business, “white collarets”, “blue collarets”

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