Scientific journal NRU ITMO
Series "Economics and Environmental Management"
Registration certificate ЭЛ № ФС 77 – 55411 от 17.09.2013
registered by the Federal Inspectorate Service for Communication, Information Technologies and Communication Media

September 2023 (published: 04.09.2023)

Number 3(54)

Home > Issue > Managing the promotion of complex goods and products based on the concept of lunch marketing

UDC 339.138

Managing the promotion of complex goods and products based on the concept of lunch marketing

Salagubova E.D. , Girsh L.V., Solovieva D.V.

Abstract. The article discusses the basics of promotion management within the framework of the concept of long-term marketing as one of the directions of innovative marketing, which allows finding new growth points for the company. The peculiarities of the concept application and the choice of unique advertising campaign tools that contribute to the effective impact on each of the target audience segments are emphasized. The aim of the work was to study the algorithms for managing the promotion of a complex product, in the context of the concept of long-term marketing, its impact on a complex product and possible stages of application. The object of the work is complex products that have been considered from different consumption positions. The concept of complex products included complex products and goods not only from the side of consumption or sale, but also from the side of their production, promotion, technical development, disposal. Several research methods were used in the work, they included theoretical, empirical and logical methods. The first included the study of educational and scientific literature on the concept of long-term marketing and the concept of a complex product. The empirical research method allowed us to see the effect of the concept of long-term marketing and its impact on brand development using specific business examples. The logical method included the analysis of existing information, the formation of conclusions for the application of the concept of long-term marketing in practice. The applied cases of advertising campaigns broadcasting the use of non-standard advertising channels for the promotion of complex products are considered. The results of a study conducted to determine the number of annual startup launchies in the Russian Federation are presented. The study used data on startups with signs of innovation, Internet sources with open access, as well as research reports from analytical and consulting organizations.

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Keywords: management, lunch marketing, complex products, complex products, innovative marketing, promotion.

Acknowledgement: Работа выполнена в рамках темы НИР № 621280 «Методы проектирования и развития инновационных и предпринимательских систем в условиях изменений трендов, вызовов и бизнес-моделей»

DOI 10.17586/2310-1172-2023-16-3-50-59

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