About the issue
March 2023 (published: 10.02.2023)
Number 1(52)
Methodological approaches to the localization
of industrial production at the present stage
Vetrova E.N., Azirov G.S.
Abstract. The distinctive features of the current stage of economic development include significant changes associated with an increasing degree of manufacturability, digital transformation, as well as the involvement in the economic circulation of the accumulated arrays of digital data on the subjects and processes of economic activity. At the same time, the development of individual sectors of the economy is uneven, the boundaries between adjacent areas are blurred, new previously non-existent areas of activity are being created, fundamentally different business models are emerging or the approach to their implementation is changing. The basis of the economy is high-tech and knowledge-intensive industries that can keep up with the times or get ahead of it. In modern conditions, this is actualized by the increasing importance of import substitution and localization, which, in turn, requires additional costs for the organization and management of enterprises, research and development (R&D, R&D) in various sectors of the national economy, incl. and in the pharmaceutical industry, whose enterprises are high-tech. At the same time, the localization model is also changing, since its core is often violated - a foreign company localized in Russia and leaving this market, and its stakeholders - some of the suppliers either stop their activities in the territory of the Russian Federation or change its model, or experience logistical problems. This situation leads to: it is necessary to speed up import substitution in many areas of economic activity, and, first of all, in high-tech sectors of the economy; it is necessary to revise the strategy and model of localization. For many companies, it is very important to continue effective work in the face of the need to intensify import substitution in the current situation. One of the tools for successful growth for many companies can be the development of local production, investment in it, expansion of production capacities and modernization. Possible advantages of localization of production, as well as difficulties, are primarily related to factors such as: location; production; local R&D and flexible response to changing demand; local frames. Science-intensive production receives additional potential for its development due to the demand for domestic R&D and technical solutions in the domestic market. This also applies to the pharmaceutical industry, which belongs to the high-tech sector and is embedded in the chains of various activities. At the same time, the domestic pharmaceutical industry has significant lags in the world market, which forms a certain model of its development and potential in the domestic market in various segments. The study of scientific and methodological literature has shown that the very localization of production to date remains insufficiently studied in the domestic science of industry and industrial development. In particular, it is necessary to work out its theoretical and methodological foundations, issues of localization management and its economic efficiency. The object of the work is the economic activity of Russian pharmaceutical industry enterprises. The subject of the work is the localization of Russian industry. The aim of the study is to clarify the methodological approaches to the localization of high-tech production in the pharmaceutical industry. The study was carried out using the scientific and methodological foundations of economic science, including methods of analysis and synthesis, statistical and strategic methods, methods of statistical processing of information, methods for substantiating management decisions, methods of expert assessments and visualization.
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Keywords: pharmaceutical industry, economic development, import substitution, localization, strategic and operational management.
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UDC 338.314
Methodological approaches to the localization
of industrial production at the present stage
Abstract. The distinctive features of the current stage of economic development include significant changes associated with an increasing degree of manufacturability, digital transformation, as well as the involvement in the economic circulation of the accumulated arrays of digital data on the subjects and processes of economic activity. At the same time, the development of individual sectors of the economy is uneven, the boundaries between adjacent areas are blurred, new previously non-existent areas of activity are being created, fundamentally different business models are emerging or the approach to their implementation is changing. The basis of the economy is high-tech and knowledge-intensive industries that can keep up with the times or get ahead of it. In modern conditions, this is actualized by the increasing importance of import substitution and localization, which, in turn, requires additional costs for the organization and management of enterprises, research and development (R&D, R&D) in various sectors of the national economy, incl. and in the pharmaceutical industry, whose enterprises are high-tech. At the same time, the localization model is also changing, since its core is often violated - a foreign company localized in Russia and leaving this market, and its stakeholders - some of the suppliers either stop their activities in the territory of the Russian Federation or change its model, or experience logistical problems. This situation leads to: it is necessary to speed up import substitution in many areas of economic activity, and, first of all, in high-tech sectors of the economy; it is necessary to revise the strategy and model of localization. For many companies, it is very important to continue effective work in the face of the need to intensify import substitution in the current situation. One of the tools for successful growth for many companies can be the development of local production, investment in it, expansion of production capacities and modernization. Possible advantages of localization of production, as well as difficulties, are primarily related to factors such as: location; production; local R&D and flexible response to changing demand; local frames. Science-intensive production receives additional potential for its development due to the demand for domestic R&D and technical solutions in the domestic market. This also applies to the pharmaceutical industry, which belongs to the high-tech sector and is embedded in the chains of various activities. At the same time, the domestic pharmaceutical industry has significant lags in the world market, which forms a certain model of its development and potential in the domestic market in various segments. The study of scientific and methodological literature has shown that the very localization of production to date remains insufficiently studied in the domestic science of industry and industrial development. In particular, it is necessary to work out its theoretical and methodological foundations, issues of localization management and its economic efficiency. The object of the work is the economic activity of Russian pharmaceutical industry enterprises. The subject of the work is the localization of Russian industry. The aim of the study is to clarify the methodological approaches to the localization of high-tech production in the pharmaceutical industry. The study was carried out using the scientific and methodological foundations of economic science, including methods of analysis and synthesis, statistical and strategic methods, methods of statistical processing of information, methods for substantiating management decisions, methods of expert assessments and visualization.
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Keywords: pharmaceutical industry, economic development, import substitution, localization, strategic and operational management.
DOI 10.17586/2310-1172-2023-16-1-3-12