Scientific journal NRU ITMO
Series "Economics and Environmental Management"
Registration certificate ЭЛ № ФС 77 – 55411 от 17.09.2013
registered by the Federal Inspectorate Service for Communication, Information Technologies and Communication Media

September 2022 (published: 27.09.2022)

Number 3(50)

Home > Issue > Lean production concept management in organization of health care

UDC 334.012

Lean production concept management in organization of health care

Vasilenok V.L., Negreeva V.V., Kochegarova T.S.

Abstract. The relevance of the proposed article is aimed at forming a strategy in medical organizations to increase consumer satisfaction with medical services, reduce labor losses of medical personnel, and improve the quality of work of medical workers. All this presupposes the effective use of internal reserves in the healthcare organization. Patient flow management will improve business processes and working conditions. This strategy is based on the application of Lean Pproduction technology, the key principle of which is the continuity of the patient flow, where there are no queues and delays. The purpose of this approach is the uniform loading of medical personnel, information support, the optimal layout of the areas of the medical institution, and the minimization of various kinds of losses. The authors assessed the effectiveness of the concept of lean production in the healthcare organization. It is proposed to use a checklist to determine the level of maturity of the lean manufacturing management system in an organization based on a point-rating system. Based on the survey of staff involvement and patient satisfaction, it was revealed that the effectiveness of the implemented measures occurs in five parameters: patient satisfaction with the quality of medical services, expectation of the provision of services by patients, time spent by an employee on performing activities that do not add value, staff involvement, changes in working conditions. As a result, a coefficient was obtained, which, when compared with the result before the introduction of lean technologies, will show whether the measures used were effective, and if not, what parameters should be paid special attention to. The proposed algorithm can be applied in any polyclinic that wants to use lean manufacturing in its activities, which will ultimately increase productivity and labor safety and improve working conditions.

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Keywords: lean production, healthcare, staff involvement, patient satisfaction.

DOI 10.17586/2310-1172-2022-17-3-164-175

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