Scientific journal NRU ITMO
Series "Economics and Environmental Management"
Registration certificate ЭЛ № ФС 77 – 55411 от 17.09.2013
registered by the Federal Inspectorate Service for Communication, Information Technologies and Communication Media

December 2021 (published: 08.12.2021)

Number 4(47)

Home > Issue > Assessment of the level of maturity of the quality management system by certification bodies

UDC 338.46

Assessment of the level of maturity of the quality management system by certification bodies

Kabilova J.A. , Sergeeva I.G.

Abstract. For successful functioning in the market of a modern organization, it is necessary to implement and maintain a quality management system (QMS). Assessment of the maturity of the QMS is very important for the organization, as it allows you to identify weaknesses and choose a further course of development for the company. The certification body (CB) is responsible for assessing the level of implementation of the QMS. It is imperative that certification bodies are also assessed in terms of the level of maturity of the quality management system to enhance their competitiveness and performance. However, the problem is the lack of methodology and indicators for assessing the level of maturity of certification bodies. This article discusses the possibilities of applying existing approaches to assessing the level of maturity of the OS. The paper identifies the main problems that prevent the assessment of the level of maturity of the certification body, analyzes and reviews the existing models for assessing the level of implementation of the QMS, highlights the advantages and disadvantages of these approaches. To assess the level of maturity of the OS, a model for assessing the maturity of processes Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) was used, as well as a modern domestic approach for a comprehensive assessment of the quality management system, described in the document OGN0.RU.0146 "Assessment of the maturity of the QMS", developed on the basis of ISO 9004 in within the voluntary certification system INTERGAZCERT. As a result of the study, the levels of maturity of OS processes were obtained and recommendations were developed corresponding to these levels, according to the CMMI model. According to the QMS maturity assessment model, criteria for assessing the maturity were identified and the formula for calculating the QMS maturity index in relation to certification bodies was described.

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Keywords: quality management system, maturity assessment model, maturity of the organization's processes, certification body, maturity index

DOI 10.17586/2310-1172-2021-14-4-113-122

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