Scientific journal NRU ITMO
Series "Economics and Environmental Management"
Registration certificate ЭЛ № ФС 77 – 55411 от 17.09.2013
registered by the Federal Inspectorate Service for Communication, Information Technologies and Communication Media

December 2021 (published: 08.12.2021)

Number 4(47)

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Improving the Process of Managing Accounts Receivable of Small Businesses in the Context of Digital Transformation (on the example of LLC «TH “LOWRY”») Alekseeva L.D. , Bombin A.Yu.

pp. 3-15

Analysis of feasibility of implementation of measures and introduction of innovations of environmental purpose in the transportation system of St. Petersburg Anisimova A.I. , Lebedeva A.S.

pp. 16-28

Efficiency of innovative development of Saint Petersburg economy Gagulina N.L.

pp. 29-40

The product added value chains in the Industry 4.0 business using cyber-technologies Zharinov Igor Olegovich

pp. 41-50

Modeling the valuation of a business with a non-zero level of confidence in the framework of a revenue approach based on income capitalization Lisitsa M.I.

pp. 51-65

Impact of digitalization on business environment Aptikasheva P.R., Mishura L.G.

pp. 66-73

Institutional mechanism for improving external municipal financial control Pashkova T.А. , Gerashchenko I.P.

pp. 74-82

The use of intensive technologies in the educational process Sosnilo A.I. , Rezvanov N.N.

pp. 83-91

Management. Environmental management

Implementation of a quality management system using lean technologies in the healthcare organization Vasilenok V.L., Negreeva V.V., Martynenko O.V. , Kochegarova T.S.

pp. 92-103

The challenge of objectives and instruments in the economic policy of modern Russia Goryachiy S.A., Malyuskiy S.A.

pp. 104-112

Assessment of the level of maturity of the quality management system by certification bodies Kabilova J.A. , Sergeeva I.G.

pp. 113-122

Water use management at the regional level with the use of water supply and sanitation balances Treiman M.G.

pp. 123-130

Digitalization as a method of improving the statistical support of municipal solid waste management Kolesnikov R.V.

pp. 131-141

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