Scientific journal NRU ITMO
Series "Economics and Environmental Management"
Registration certificate ЭЛ № ФС 77 – 55411 от 17.09.2013
registered by the Federal Inspectorate Service for Communication, Information Technologies and Communication Media

December 2021 (published: 08.12.2021)

Number 4(47)

Home > Issue > The product added value chains in the Industry 4.0 business using cyber-technologies

UDC 334

The product added value chains in the Industry 4.0 business using cyber-technologies

Zharinov Igor Olegovich

Abstract. The Industry 4.0 companies innovative activity completion efficiency is valued with the finance indication expressed as the product added cost. The added value is formed in the company business processes chain increasing the product value for the consumer after its operation functionality. According to the existent factory topological classification using industrial cyber-technologies the product added value formation chains are viewed actual for processes of its cyber-design, cyber-production and cyber-service. The cyber-technologies organizing and economic aspects are given as innovations involving consumers to control the cyber-production systems and complementary companies to economic management the finance capital. The value formation classical chains reconfiguration are complete to justify the process approach to create the high-tech product, which in their properties changes the buyer behavior model and «stimulates» them to increase the inner demand and consumption volume. The schemes how to realize profitable models for the companies to make some money using as an example the inner companies processes how to economic management a digital, smart and virtual factories are given. The mutual economic interests of the companies participating in the value chain are defined for the model of contracts of the full life cycle of products that are in demand in the institutional conditions of the digital economy.

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Keywords: Industry 4.0, added value of products, cyber-design, digital factory, cyber-production, smart factory, cyber-service, virtual factory.

DOI 10.17586/2310-1172-2021-14-4-41-50

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