About the issue
March 2020 (published: 04.03.2020)
Number 1(40)
Order and features of the organization of industrial environmental monitoring
at the enterprises of the baking industry
Didikov А.Е.
Abstract. Currently, serious steps are being taken in the Russian Federation to solve the problem of the negative impact of industrial enterprises on the environment. Over the past few years, the legal framework has been significantly strengthened to solve this problem by introducing a new environmental standardization based on the application of the best available technologies (BAT). The system proposed in Federal Law No. 219 ФЗ implies the ranking of all enterprises in the Russian Federation, according to the degree of their impact on the environment, into four categories. The analysis carried out in the work shows that the bulk of the enterprises of the bakery industry, according to the degree of environmental impact on the environment, can be attributed to the III and IV categories. The new law provides for such business entities a notification procedure for submitting reporting documents to the federal executive bodies of the Russian Federation authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation. The documentation includes reports on emissions of harmful (polluting) substances into the atmospheric air, on the formation, use, neutralization and disposal of waste; an action plan for the protection of the environment (if it is impossible to comply with the standards for permissible emissions, standards for permissible discharges), as well as the program of industrial environmental monitoring (PEC). This paper proposes an order and specifies the peculiarities of the organization of the PEC at the enterprises of the baking industry, provides a list of the necessary regulatory documents and gives recommendations on the sequence of their implementation. Timely development and implementation of PEC at the bakery industry will significantly reduce the risks of receiving excess payments associated with the absence or incorrect maintenance of environmental documentation, as well as help in organizing effective production control of the state of the environment.
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Keywords: environmental issues, baking industry, industrial environmental monitoring
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License
UDC 620.92:662.997
Order and features of the organization of industrial environmental monitoring
at the enterprises of the baking industry
Abstract. Currently, serious steps are being taken in the Russian Federation to solve the problem of the negative impact of industrial enterprises on the environment. Over the past few years, the legal framework has been significantly strengthened to solve this problem by introducing a new environmental standardization based on the application of the best available technologies (BAT). The system proposed in Federal Law No. 219 ФЗ implies the ranking of all enterprises in the Russian Federation, according to the degree of their impact on the environment, into four categories. The analysis carried out in the work shows that the bulk of the enterprises of the bakery industry, according to the degree of environmental impact on the environment, can be attributed to the III and IV categories. The new law provides for such business entities a notification procedure for submitting reporting documents to the federal executive bodies of the Russian Federation authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation. The documentation includes reports on emissions of harmful (polluting) substances into the atmospheric air, on the formation, use, neutralization and disposal of waste; an action plan for the protection of the environment (if it is impossible to comply with the standards for permissible emissions, standards for permissible discharges), as well as the program of industrial environmental monitoring (PEC). This paper proposes an order and specifies the peculiarities of the organization of the PEC at the enterprises of the baking industry, provides a list of the necessary regulatory documents and gives recommendations on the sequence of their implementation. Timely development and implementation of PEC at the bakery industry will significantly reduce the risks of receiving excess payments associated with the absence or incorrect maintenance of environmental documentation, as well as help in organizing effective production control of the state of the environment.
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Keywords: environmental issues, baking industry, industrial environmental monitoring
DOI 10.17586/2310-1172-2020-13-1-95-102