Scientific journal NRU ITMO
Series "Economics and Environmental Management"
Registration certificate ЭЛ № ФС 77 – 55411 от 17.09.2013
registered by the Federal Inspectorate Service for Communication, Information Technologies and Communication Media

March 2020 (published: 04.03.2020)

Number 1(40)

Home > Issue > Describe and qualitative analysis of the new model of real estate agency

UDC 338.242

Describe and qualitative analysis of the new model of real estate agency

Druzhinin A.E. , Alekseeva N.S.

Abstract. Studies of the transformation of small business, including real estate, under the influence of digitalization of the economy is not enough attention, which is an omission, since it is small business that is the source of new approaches and models of doing business, being under the influence of fierce competition of the external environment, which determines the relevance of the presented study. The aim of the work is to describe and qualitative analysis of the new model of real estate Agency functioning. The object of the study is a real estate Agency, the subject of the study is a new model of real estate Agency. At the moment, the new model described in this paper is at the stage of implementation, revision and evaluation by several Russian agencies, which determines the novelty of the presented study. The main methods in the work are the method of observation and collection of facts, the method of abstraction, the logical method. The paper considers a new model of functioning of real estate Agency, which arose under the influence of digitalization of society and entrepreneurship. The article discusses the stages of work with the customer in the provision of services for the sale of apartments. The reasons of emergence of a new model of functioning of real estate Agency are revealed. The grounds for the emergence of a new model of real estate Agency. The advantages and disadvantages of the new model of work are revealed. The presented model of the real estate Agency can be recommended to owners and top managers of real estate agencies, as well as used in those areas where the owners of companies feel a strong dependence on key employees, closing the interaction with customers on themselves.

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Keywords: real estate agency, realtor agency, agent, realtor, model, division, digital technologies, digital tools.

DOI 10.17586/2310-1172-2020-13-1-3-10

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