About the issue
December 2019 (published: 18.12.2019)
Number 4(39)
Monitoring and proactive management of environmental innovations in tourism:
goal setting
Karpova G.A. , Maximova T.G., Eid N.
Abstract. Tourism is a major industry that can lead to economic benefits, as well as environmental degradation and social infrastructure. Tourism can destroy existing environmental resources through overuse and poor management practices, as limited disclosure and poor monitoring of activities contribute to perpetuating and spreading environmental issues. The article discusses methods and approaches that help solve fundamental problems associated with the development of a set of monitoring models and proactive management of tourist and recreational resources. These methods and approaches include: the development of a scientific and methodological apparatus, which includes methodological foundations, a set of statistical and economic-mathematical models and the corresponding socio-ecological and economic indicators, as well as combined methods and techniques of multi-criteria assessment, analysis and forecasting of the state of resources; development of an econometric model of the dynamics of the characteristics of recreational resources as environmental assets; logistic model of tourist flows, which is based on the use of a flow analysis apparatus in networks; modeling the load on ecological systems using system dynamics methods; models for the formation of environmental awareness of the population and consumers of tourist and recreational services and assessment of needs for tourist and recreational services. These methods and approaches of proactive monitoring suggest the prevention of incidents by creating fundamentally new predictive and anticipatory capabilities in the appropriate monitoring and control system. As an example, the environmental problems of the development of agritourism on the territory of the Kurgalsky reserve of the Leningrad region are analyzed. simplified scheme for calculating the costs of maintaining the ecological potential of the territory.
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Keywords: monitoring, proactive management, environmental innovation, tourism, greening, tourist and recreational resources, sustainable development, economic growth.
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UDC 338.48:004.942
Monitoring and proactive management of environmental innovations in tourism:
goal setting
Abstract. Tourism is a major industry that can lead to economic benefits, as well as environmental degradation and social infrastructure. Tourism can destroy existing environmental resources through overuse and poor management practices, as limited disclosure and poor monitoring of activities contribute to perpetuating and spreading environmental issues. The article discusses methods and approaches that help solve fundamental problems associated with the development of a set of monitoring models and proactive management of tourist and recreational resources. These methods and approaches include: the development of a scientific and methodological apparatus, which includes methodological foundations, a set of statistical and economic-mathematical models and the corresponding socio-ecological and economic indicators, as well as combined methods and techniques of multi-criteria assessment, analysis and forecasting of the state of resources; development of an econometric model of the dynamics of the characteristics of recreational resources as environmental assets; logistic model of tourist flows, which is based on the use of a flow analysis apparatus in networks; modeling the load on ecological systems using system dynamics methods; models for the formation of environmental awareness of the population and consumers of tourist and recreational services and assessment of needs for tourist and recreational services. These methods and approaches of proactive monitoring suggest the prevention of incidents by creating fundamentally new predictive and anticipatory capabilities in the appropriate monitoring and control system. As an example, the environmental problems of the development of agritourism on the territory of the Kurgalsky reserve of the Leningrad region are analyzed. simplified scheme for calculating the costs of maintaining the ecological potential of the territory.
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Keywords: monitoring, proactive management, environmental innovation, tourism, greening, tourist and recreational resources, sustainable development, economic growth.
DOI 10.17586/2310-1172-2019-12-4-165-176