Scientific journal NRU ITMO
Series "Economics and Environmental Management"
Registration certificate ЭЛ № ФС 77 – 55411 от 17.09.2013
registered by the Federal Inspectorate Service for Communication, Information Technologies and Communication Media

December 2019 (published: 18.12.2019)

Number 4(39)

Home > Issue > Mechanism of organizational and financial security of management of climatic safety

UDC 338.22

Mechanism of organizational and financial security of management of climatic safety

Yashalova N.N. , Yakovleva E.N. , Smirnov A.V.

The development of environmental management should take into account global climate goals. Experience of international cooperation in climate policy (framework UN Convention on climate change adopted in 1992, the Russian Federation ratified in 1994) nassive more than a quarter century, but during this time period and has not produced an effective regulatory instruments climate security. The aim of the article is to develop effective proposals to improve the national, regional and corporate climate security management mechanisms of the Russian economy. The recommendations developed by the authors to solve this problem can be used in applied research and practice of state, municipal and corporate management of natural and climatic risks in order to ensure climate stability of socio-economic development of territories and economic entities. The following facts can be noted as having novelty of the research results. First, it is proposed to include the functions of climate threat management in the list of powers of public authorities engaged in public administration in the field of environmental protection and nature management. Secondly, a list of instruments of the national mechanism for regulating climate security is proposed, including the creation of an extra-budgetary climate insurance Fund to increase the level of financial support for adaptation to climate change. Thirdly, it is recommended to use a risk-oriented approach to regional management of climate threats, for this purpose, the criteria for assigning surveillance subjects to a certain class (category) of danger are developed and the frequency of implementation of climate surveillance is recommended. Fourth, the expediency of the project method application for corporate management of natural and climatic risks is substantiated.
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Keywords: global climate change, climatic threats, climatic risk, climatic stability, mechanism of management of climatic safety.

DOI 10.17586/2310-1172-2019-12-4-153-164

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