About the issue
December 2019 (published: 18.12.2019)
Number 4(39)
Dynamics of structural changes in the economy
of the European North of Russia
Leonidova E.G.
Abstract. The trend in the modern development of the economy of Russian regions experiencing the impact of the economic systemic crisis and the current foreign policy and external economic situation is the change in structural proportions, manifested in the narrowing of domestic demand for manufactured products. This leads to underconsumption of goods and services, and, consequently, to reduced incentives for enterprises to increase their output. The problem of structural transformation of the economy is especially acute in relation to the resource regions. These include the European North of Russia (ESR), whose economy is characterized by low growth rates of production, a low degree of modernization of industry, a strong dependence on export of resources, and insufficient level of innovative activity of enterprises. The result of this state of affairs is structural imbalances, expressed in the dominance of the components of extractive industries in the gross regional product to the detriment of other types of economic activity that generate higher added value. Meanwhile, a focus on the development of such sectors with a simultaneous increase in the manufacturability of products in traditional industries due to the lengthening of value chains can be considered as areas that can ensure economic growth. In this regard, there is a need to study the structural changes in the economies of the Russian regions for the scientific justification of measures that, in the current economic conditions, are able to change structural ties and thereby ensure economic growth. The study analyzes the use by subjects of the European North of Russia of competitiveness factors and the income generated by them. In the course of the analysis of structural changes in the gross regional product of the territories of the ECP, it was determined that over the past ten years, trends towards increasing the efficiency of the economy were noted only in the Vologda Oblast. In conclusion, the article proposes the direction of regional economic policy to eliminate structural imbalances. As the methodological basis of the study, general scientific methods of analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization were used.
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Keywords: European North of Russia, structural changes, region, economy.
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UDC 338.45
Dynamics of structural changes in the economy
of the European North of Russia
Abstract. The trend in the modern development of the economy of Russian regions experiencing the impact of the economic systemic crisis and the current foreign policy and external economic situation is the change in structural proportions, manifested in the narrowing of domestic demand for manufactured products. This leads to underconsumption of goods and services, and, consequently, to reduced incentives for enterprises to increase their output. The problem of structural transformation of the economy is especially acute in relation to the resource regions. These include the European North of Russia (ESR), whose economy is characterized by low growth rates of production, a low degree of modernization of industry, a strong dependence on export of resources, and insufficient level of innovative activity of enterprises. The result of this state of affairs is structural imbalances, expressed in the dominance of the components of extractive industries in the gross regional product to the detriment of other types of economic activity that generate higher added value. Meanwhile, a focus on the development of such sectors with a simultaneous increase in the manufacturability of products in traditional industries due to the lengthening of value chains can be considered as areas that can ensure economic growth. In this regard, there is a need to study the structural changes in the economies of the Russian regions for the scientific justification of measures that, in the current economic conditions, are able to change structural ties and thereby ensure economic growth. The study analyzes the use by subjects of the European North of Russia of competitiveness factors and the income generated by them. In the course of the analysis of structural changes in the gross regional product of the territories of the ECP, it was determined that over the past ten years, trends towards increasing the efficiency of the economy were noted only in the Vologda Oblast. In conclusion, the article proposes the direction of regional economic policy to eliminate structural imbalances. As the methodological basis of the study, general scientific methods of analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization were used.
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Keywords: European North of Russia, structural changes, region, economy.
DOI 10.17586/2310-1172-2019-12-4-80-90