Scientific journal NRU ITMO
Series "Economics and Environmental Management"
Registration certificate ЭЛ № ФС 77 – 55411 от 17.09.2013
registered by the Federal Inspectorate Service for Communication, Information Technologies and Communication Media

December 2019 (published: 18.12.2019)

Number 4(39)

Home > Issue > Socio-economic significance of the introduction of e-government technologies in the suburbanized territories of Russia

UDC 332.01

Socio-economic significance of the introduction of e-government technologies in the suburbanized territories of Russia

Repkin А.I., Mityagin Sergey A, Drozhzhin A.I.

Abstract. This article discusses the theoretical features of the introduction of e-government technologies in suburban areas in the context of Russian reality. The material continues the authors' research on the problems of suburbanization in Russia [1]. The purpose of the work is to analyze the causes, factors, characteristics and conditions for the introduction of e-government technologies in the suburbanized territories of Russia. The study relates to knowledge in the field of modern urban studies and should contribute to a better solution to the problems of suburban areas as an integral part of the agglomeration. The work is based on the historical-logical method, methods of comparative and system analysis. Suburbanization is seen as an inevitable and positive consequence of the formation of urban agglomerations. The traditional city as a source of innovative development creates the conditions for its own transformation into a sub-urban type agglomeration. It is stated that the formation of a suburban zone should become the most important systemic element of the sustainable and stable socio-economic development of a large city. The competitiveness of suburbanized territories can be ensured only with a level of comfortable living comparable to urban. Achieving this state is impossible without equalizing the conditions for obtaining public services. In modern conditions, the only form of such alignment seems to be only e-government technologies. The socio-economic importance of suburbanization, its current trends and contradictions are considered. Features of the Russian suburbanization, its real and potential subjects (participants) are described. A hypothesis is formulated about the qualitative complication of city management with a suburbanized zone and the greater importance of public services for its residents. The reasons leading to a similar state are described. The solution or mitigation of most problems of the suburbanized zone is impossible without the use of e-government technologies. Attention is drawn to the tasks that need to be solved, as well as the characteristics and factors that should be taken into account to increase the efficiency of e-government.

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Keywords: suburbanization, agglomeration, sustainable development, e-democracy, e-governmant.

DOI 10.17586/2310-1172-2019-12-4-20-30

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