About the issue
September 2019 (published: 26.09.2019)
Number 3(38)
Estimation of demographic situation for providing
of national safety of Russia
Shchelakova V.A. , Negreeva V.V., Salmanov A.В.
Abstract. Actuality of research theme is conditioned by that, in spite of plenty enough of the researches sanctified to the study of problems of demographic safety, to present tense an effective mechanism able to create terms for providing of demographic safety is not worked out, to educe and in good time prevent her threats. In this connection an attempt to educe the sequence of problems and factors, influencing on a demographic situation in a country, is undertaken in the article, for providing of her national safety. In the article the analysis of demographic situation is presented in Russian Federation for 20 (from 1991 for 2019). At the study of quantitative and quality composition of population such negative moments were educed, as a decline of rural population (3,5 %), subzero closeness of population (8,57 persons/of км2), unevenness of distribution of population on territory of Russia, reduction of stake of title nationality in a population (the quantity of Russians diminished on 4,20 %), disproportionateness of sexual composition of habitants (women there are more men on 1,156 times), aging of population and decline of population, is in able to work age, increase of coefficient of the demographic loading. The analysis of natural motion of population educed a decline from 2016 of natural increase, reduction of total coefficient of birth-rate, reduction of amount of marriages, decline of number of families wishing to accept a child on adoption. Thus as positive moments it is possible to mark the height of the expected life-span. Consequently, the problems in a demographic sphere, formed in Russia, appear one of the most sharp and requiring preparation new methodologies of management by different demographic processes or their optimizations. Among the key measures sent to the decision of demographic problems, in the article distinguished: reduction of index of death rate, first of all people in able to work age; increase of index of birth-rate; strengthening of important institute of family; strengthening and maintenance of health of people; forming of vacant places and necessary social infrastructure is in the places of residence of citizens; providing of material help to childhood, family and maternity; change of migratory politics from the point of view of strategically important interests of native people of Russia.
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Keywords: demographic situation, demographic processes, external and internal demographic threats, national safety, indexes of demographic safety.
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UDC 314
Estimation of demographic situation for providing
of national safety of Russia
Abstract. Actuality of research theme is conditioned by that, in spite of plenty enough of the researches sanctified to the study of problems of demographic safety, to present tense an effective mechanism able to create terms for providing of demographic safety is not worked out, to educe and in good time prevent her threats. In this connection an attempt to educe the sequence of problems and factors, influencing on a demographic situation in a country, is undertaken in the article, for providing of her national safety. In the article the analysis of demographic situation is presented in Russian Federation for 20 (from 1991 for 2019). At the study of quantitative and quality composition of population such negative moments were educed, as a decline of rural population (3,5 %), subzero closeness of population (8,57 persons/of км2), unevenness of distribution of population on territory of Russia, reduction of stake of title nationality in a population (the quantity of Russians diminished on 4,20 %), disproportionateness of sexual composition of habitants (women there are more men on 1,156 times), aging of population and decline of population, is in able to work age, increase of coefficient of the demographic loading. The analysis of natural motion of population educed a decline from 2016 of natural increase, reduction of total coefficient of birth-rate, reduction of amount of marriages, decline of number of families wishing to accept a child on adoption. Thus as positive moments it is possible to mark the height of the expected life-span. Consequently, the problems in a demographic sphere, formed in Russia, appear one of the most sharp and requiring preparation new methodologies of management by different demographic processes or their optimizations. Among the key measures sent to the decision of demographic problems, in the article distinguished: reduction of index of death rate, first of all people in able to work age; increase of index of birth-rate; strengthening of important institute of family; strengthening and maintenance of health of people; forming of vacant places and necessary social infrastructure is in the places of residence of citizens; providing of material help to childhood, family and maternity; change of migratory politics from the point of view of strategically important interests of native people of Russia.
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Keywords: demographic situation, demographic processes, external and internal demographic threats, national safety, indexes of demographic safety.
DOI 10.17586/2310-1172-2019-12-3-77-92