About the issue
September 2019 (published: 26.09.2019)
Number 3(38)
Sharing as a reflection of consumer values in the digital economy
Zemskova E.S.
Abstract. The subject of this article is the study of the transformation of consumer values and consumer behavior that occurs under the influence of technological changes. The purpose of the work is to describe the characteristics of consumer behavior in the digital economy. This article used the theoretical and methodological principles of an interdisciplinary approach, which includes sociocultural, behavioral and institutional background in the analysis. In addition, in the process of work, such general scientific methods as scientific abstraction, analysis and synthesis, a combination of historical and logical were used. Based on the available data from Big Data aggregating companies, as well as consulting companies, consumer behavior in the digital economy is described. Shared consumption (sharing) is called as a determining trend in consumer behavior, reflecting the transformation of values. A necessary condition for the emergence and popularity of sharing is not only the development of a digital economy with a predominance of Internet access from mobile devices, but also the satisfaction of such important for a modern user needs as the speed of receiving goods, trust in this good, and the reduction in the cost of goods consumed. It is shown that the value of sharing is created as a result of the interaction of a large number of consumers generating reputation and trust. The article shows that modern society uses recommendation services that form a horizontal trust system as tools to reduce transaction costs. As a result of the study, factors contributing to the popularity of sharing were identified: technological (high penetration of the Internet, including from mobile devices) social (change of values, crisis of vertical confidence), economic (growth of inequality, reduction of middle class property), environmental (growth of popularity of recycling ).
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Keywords: digital economy, consumer behavior in the digital economy, consumption in the digital economy, consumer values in the digital economy, sharing economy, sharing economy, trust as a key value in the digital economy, horizontal trust.
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UDC 330.16
Sharing as a reflection of consumer values in the digital economy
Abstract. The subject of this article is the study of the transformation of consumer values and consumer behavior that occurs under the influence of technological changes. The purpose of the work is to describe the characteristics of consumer behavior in the digital economy. This article used the theoretical and methodological principles of an interdisciplinary approach, which includes sociocultural, behavioral and institutional background in the analysis. In addition, in the process of work, such general scientific methods as scientific abstraction, analysis and synthesis, a combination of historical and logical were used. Based on the available data from Big Data aggregating companies, as well as consulting companies, consumer behavior in the digital economy is described. Shared consumption (sharing) is called as a determining trend in consumer behavior, reflecting the transformation of values. A necessary condition for the emergence and popularity of sharing is not only the development of a digital economy with a predominance of Internet access from mobile devices, but also the satisfaction of such important for a modern user needs as the speed of receiving goods, trust in this good, and the reduction in the cost of goods consumed. It is shown that the value of sharing is created as a result of the interaction of a large number of consumers generating reputation and trust. The article shows that modern society uses recommendation services that form a horizontal trust system as tools to reduce transaction costs. As a result of the study, factors contributing to the popularity of sharing were identified: technological (high penetration of the Internet, including from mobile devices) social (change of values, crisis of vertical confidence), economic (growth of inequality, reduction of middle class property), environmental (growth of popularity of recycling ).
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Keywords: digital economy, consumer behavior in the digital economy, consumption in the digital economy, consumer values in the digital economy, sharing economy, sharing economy, trust as a key value in the digital economy, horizontal trust.
DOI 10.17586/2310-1172-2019-12-3-17-27