About the issue
June 2019 (published: 26.06.2019)
Number 2(37)
Conceptual foundations of corporate sales management in the hotel business
Shapiro A.V.
, Shapiro N.A.
Abstract. Introduction: The hospitality industry is a growing segment of Russian business. Hotel business is its most dynamic component in comparison with the sectors of catering and tourism. The article focuses on the factors that can affect the success of the hotel business in terms of corporate sales. Data and methods:The study of corporate sales management is based on two concepts: the marketing concept of customer orientation and the institutional concept of services as experimental benefits. The integration of the two concepts in the study of the corporate sales process allows, in the author's opinion, in methodological terms to remove a certain aspect or fragmentation inherent in the theoretical approaches designed to solve one specific problem. In theoretical terms, the integration approach made it possible to fix different niches of risks or factors, opening up alternatives that can lead to both gains and losses. The data of Rosstat and practical experience of Domina hotel (St. Petersburg) were used. Analysis of results: An important component has been added to the traditional concept of customer orientation – the study of the state of competitors and the preliminary wishes of the client – the assessment of the quality of the service already received. The concept of good experimental targets for careful examination of the opinions of the client after receiving services because only then you can get the most relevant evaluation of services and to transform customer requirements into technical requirements for the operation of the hotel. Corporate sales management, presented on the basis of the integration of the concept of customer orientation and the concept of experimental benefits of the institutional economy, allowed to analytically identify risk factors in the segment of corporate sales of the hotel business, both during the pre-sale preparation of the service and upon completion of its provision. For hotels choosing a corporate segment for their business, the latter circumstance is especially important, because it allows to establish stable regular communication with corporate clients.
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Keywords: hospitality, hotel business; corporate sales, customer orientation; experimental benefits, risks.
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Conceptual foundations of corporate sales management in the hotel business
Abstract. Introduction: The hospitality industry is a growing segment of Russian business. Hotel business is its most dynamic component in comparison with the sectors of catering and tourism. The article focuses on the factors that can affect the success of the hotel business in terms of corporate sales. Data and methods:The study of corporate sales management is based on two concepts: the marketing concept of customer orientation and the institutional concept of services as experimental benefits. The integration of the two concepts in the study of the corporate sales process allows, in the author's opinion, in methodological terms to remove a certain aspect or fragmentation inherent in the theoretical approaches designed to solve one specific problem. In theoretical terms, the integration approach made it possible to fix different niches of risks or factors, opening up alternatives that can lead to both gains and losses. The data of Rosstat and practical experience of Domina hotel (St. Petersburg) were used. Analysis of results: An important component has been added to the traditional concept of customer orientation – the study of the state of competitors and the preliminary wishes of the client – the assessment of the quality of the service already received. The concept of good experimental targets for careful examination of the opinions of the client after receiving services because only then you can get the most relevant evaluation of services and to transform customer requirements into technical requirements for the operation of the hotel. Corporate sales management, presented on the basis of the integration of the concept of customer orientation and the concept of experimental benefits of the institutional economy, allowed to analytically identify risk factors in the segment of corporate sales of the hotel business, both during the pre-sale preparation of the service and upon completion of its provision. For hotels choosing a corporate segment for their business, the latter circumstance is especially important, because it allows to establish stable regular communication with corporate clients.
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Keywords: hospitality, hotel business; corporate sales, customer orientation; experimental benefits, risks.
DOI 10.17586/2310-1172-2019-12-2-177-183