Scientific journal NRU ITMO
Series "Economics and Environmental Management"
Registration certificate ЭЛ № ФС 77 – 55411 от 17.09.2013
registered by the Federal Inspectorate Service for Communication, Information Technologies and Communication Media

June 2019 (published: 26.06.2019)

Number 2(37)

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Analysis of the economy of the oil and gas sector in the Russian Federation Aleksandrova A.I. , Zakrevskaya A.V. , Sokolitsyn A.S.

pp. 3-14

Logistic budgeting Klochkova A.V., Shpakovich D.K., Aleksashkina E.I., Manovich E.A.

pp. 15-35

Implications of reduced human capital in tertiary education Alpatov G.Е.

pp. 36-41

Circular economy: definitions and diffusion of the concept in Russian research Valko D.V.

pp. 42-49

Aboutinnovative development of the Russian Federation and the People’s Republic of China Vasilenok V.L., Gulyaeva K.S. , Korobova E.A.

pp. 50-65

The reasons for the separation of the real and financial sectors of the national economy of Russia Zueva O.A.

pp. 66-73

Extrusion processing of waste in the circular economy Volkov A.R. , Elena Pavlova, Batova T.N.

pp. 74-81

The current state and prospects of passenger air transportation market development in Russia Gubenko A.V. , Rastova Yu.I. , Pankratova A.R.

pp. 82-90

Territory of the overcoming socio-economic development in the system of free economic zones of the Russian Federation: realities and prospects Rubtsov G.G. , Litvinenko A.N.

pp. 91-98

Evaluating the effectiveness of the organization's innovative development strategy Sergeeva I.G., Sidoranova A.G.

pp. 99-109

The use of environmental innovation in industrial enterprises as a promising direction Russian economy development Treiman M.G.

pp. 110-120

Digital economy as the perspective mechanism of development Мiroshnichenko М.V. , Chudesova G.P.

pp. 121-129

Management. Environmental management

Methodology of application of modern technologies 3D-models Ilyin I.V. , Sharonova A.D. , Nefedova L.A.

pp. 130-134

The impact of digitalization of the economy on the project management methodology Kovalenko B.B. , Guseinova I.V. , Gusarova T.I.

pp. 135-144

Research of implementation of information technologies in investment activities Nersisian A.A. , Mishura L.G.

pp. 145-153

Management of innovative activity of the company Negreeva V.V., Zhuzhoma I.N., Bashmakova K.V. , Habirov D.A.

pp. 154-162

Polukhina M.G.

pp. 163-170

Ecological block of questionnaire research of rural areas residents Polukhina M.G.

pp. 163-170

Application of advanced methods to improve labor productivity in Russia and abroad Prihodko R.V., Sorokina T.S.

pp. 171-176

Conceptual foundations of corporate sales management in the hotel business Shapiro A.V. , Shapiro N.A.

pp. 177-183

The issues of projects for architecture solutions implementation of additive manufacturing management Nefedova L.A.

pp. 184-189

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