About the issue
September 2018 (published: 27.09.2018)
Number 3(34)
Recycling in the system of factors ensuring sustainable
development of the territory
Zemskova E.S.
Abstract. The negative impact of anthropogenic factors on the ecosystem of our planet is currently the subject of heated cross-scientific disputes. At the same time, the alarmists have more and more arguments proving to their correctness: reduction of biological diversity, depletion of non-renewable natural resources, global warming, reduction of freshwater supplies. Despite international agreements aimed at realizing the triune formula for sustainable development, negative externalities continue to accumulate. Mankind as ever is acutely faced with the problem of limited resources and the search for ways of maximally responsible satisfaction of their needs. The purpose of this work is to study the contribution of recycling to the sustainable development of the territory. The subject of the study is the problem of measurability of the recycling efficiency in terms of achieving the Sustainable development goals. In the presented article such general scientific methods as analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, and system approach were used. The conducted studies showed that the institutional conditions necessary for the organization of effective recycling schemes in Russia are just beginning to be formed. The current system of indicators, which is fully capable of reflecting the state of the problem in the field of the reuse of benefits and the use of waste as secondary raw materials, is imperfect. Using the data available in the Russian official statistics, the author showed that the existing set of indicators is not enough to assess the nature of the relationship between waste processing and sustainable development, because it focuses on en-vironmental and economic processes, excluding from the analysis of the social component. The results of the study can become the basis for the development of an integral index linking the intensity of recycling processes and the degree of sustainability.
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Keywords: sustainable development, indicators of sustainable development, recycling, organization of recycling, resource saving, negative externalities.
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UDC 330.341
Recycling in the system of factors ensuring sustainable
development of the territory
Abstract. The negative impact of anthropogenic factors on the ecosystem of our planet is currently the subject of heated cross-scientific disputes. At the same time, the alarmists have more and more arguments proving to their correctness: reduction of biological diversity, depletion of non-renewable natural resources, global warming, reduction of freshwater supplies. Despite international agreements aimed at realizing the triune formula for sustainable development, negative externalities continue to accumulate. Mankind as ever is acutely faced with the problem of limited resources and the search for ways of maximally responsible satisfaction of their needs. The purpose of this work is to study the contribution of recycling to the sustainable development of the territory. The subject of the study is the problem of measurability of the recycling efficiency in terms of achieving the Sustainable development goals. In the presented article such general scientific methods as analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, and system approach were used. The conducted studies showed that the institutional conditions necessary for the organization of effective recycling schemes in Russia are just beginning to be formed. The current system of indicators, which is fully capable of reflecting the state of the problem in the field of the reuse of benefits and the use of waste as secondary raw materials, is imperfect. Using the data available in the Russian official statistics, the author showed that the existing set of indicators is not enough to assess the nature of the relationship between waste processing and sustainable development, because it focuses on en-vironmental and economic processes, excluding from the analysis of the social component. The results of the study can become the basis for the development of an integral index linking the intensity of recycling processes and the degree of sustainability.
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Keywords: sustainable development, indicators of sustainable development, recycling, organization of recycling, resource saving, negative externalities.
DOI 10.17586/2310-1172-2018-11-3-84-89