Scientific journal NRU ITMO
Series "Economics and Environmental Management"
Registration certificate ЭЛ № ФС 77 – 55411 от 17.09.2013
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March 2018 (published: 28.03.2018)

Number 1(32)

Home > Issue > Human capital in the digital age

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Human capital in the digital age

Shestakova I.G.

Abstract. Spatial and economic transformations caused by the invasion of intellectual systems in our lives have exacerbated the problem of labor market shrinkage. The article makes some assumptions about what humanity expects in the near future with respect to the transformation of the labor market. Using the historical-empirical approach, the author comes to the conclusion about the possibility of an optimistic scenario of harmonization of machine-human relations in the labor market. Potentially, this can be a natural (spontaneous) request specifically for the work of a person in some professions or an artificial (legislative, adopted due to external management) decision to involve human labor, as well as various compensation mechanisms. As an alternative to unemployment and the need to pay citizens benefits can be getting jobs for a salary commensurate with basic income. However, the current situation is radically different from everything that was before. First, in the past, the pace of progress has allowed the labor market to adapt relatively gently to new technologies. The current speed of progress leads to multiple changes in social and economic life in the eyes of one generation. Secondly, for the first time the cars encroached on the main thing that determines a person - on his mind. Man cannot compete with the intellectual power of modern machines, capable of analyzing and making decisions much faster. Proceeding from this, the development curve of the situation is seen pessimistically. Obviously, the situation depends on the answer to the question of what artificial intelligence can do, or rather, what it is incapable of. Can robots solve any problems? And if we assume that they cannot do something, then, consequently, it is there that the possible segment of jobs for a person is viewed. The author tries to guess what competencies people should have who want to find a workplace in the digital civilization and show the need for the preparation of humanity to change the socio-economic paradigm of consciousness.

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Keywords: the speed of development of the digital civilization, artificial intelligence, man and machine, human capital, creativity, adaptation, labor market.

DOI 10.17586/2310-1172-2018-11-1-56-63

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