Scientific journal NRU ITMO
Series "Economics and Environmental Management"
Registration certificate ЭЛ № ФС 77 – 55411 от 17.09.2013
registered by the Federal Inspectorate Service for Communication, Information Technologies and Communication Media

March 2018 (published: 28.03.2018)

Number 1(32)

Home > Issue > Analysis of status and trends of productivity of functioning of the innovative environment of the Russian Federation in the field of scientific and technical activities

UDC 338.242

Analysis of status and trends of productivity of functioning of the innovative environment of the Russian Federation in the field of scientific and technical activities

Melnichenko A.M.

Abstract. Topicality of the article consists in the fact that the development of an objectively informed and effective management decisions for the development of complex economic entities that make up the innovation environment of the state involves the examination of current practice in the field situation, identify its causes and determine trends. This approach allows us to develop the scientifically-informed decisions on changing the composition and direction of the factors behind the actual situation, based on the allocation of those can be considered as key. A key factor of active development of the innovative environment of the Russian Federation is the performance of scientific and technological activities. Indicators of organizational capacity to achieve scientific and technical results are the number of organizations performing research and development and the number of employed in this process, staff is organized by researchers and technical, ancillary and other workers. As the characteristics of the economic potential of scientific and technological activities the article discusses the increased domestic expenditure on research and development, and the parameters of the potential are recognized as indicators of patent activity and the number of developed advanced production technologies. A study of the impact of scientific and technological activities with the use of official national statistics data allows us to formulate the most topical at the present stage the direction of its increase.

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Keywords: innovations, innovative environment, analysis, state, tendencies, scientific and technical activity, research-and-developments, internal expenses on research-and-developments, patent activity.

DOI 10.17586/2310-1172-2018-11-1-41-48

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