About the issue
December 2017 (published: 20.12.2017)
Number 4(31)
Cognitive management and innovative strategies
Vasilenok V.L., Brazevich D.S. , Safronova Zh.S.
Abstract. The purpose of this article is to examine the question of the social determination of scientific knowledge. The formation of innovative strategy of management is possible when in society, its dominant resource is knowledge. Such strategy is cognitive management, acting in the knowledge society a new theory of management. Attention to this problem today is because in the present processes of globalization, the creation of new technologies, intensification of competition, reduce the role of material resources. Thus for the competitiveness in the leading position of out knowledge. Knowledge turned into a resource in the socio-economic context and meaning. Knowledge is a special resource that has the specific dynamics of formation and management requires special concepts. Knowledge management allows to find the necessary information and resources of knowledge, to acquire relevant knowledge to use them to implement strategies in the public interest.
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Keywords: cognitive management, innovation strategies, innovations, knowledge, society, governance, resources.
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UDC 167 + 165.5
Cognitive management and innovative strategies
Abstract. The purpose of this article is to examine the question of the social determination of scientific knowledge. The formation of innovative strategy of management is possible when in society, its dominant resource is knowledge. Such strategy is cognitive management, acting in the knowledge society a new theory of management. Attention to this problem today is because in the present processes of globalization, the creation of new technologies, intensification of competition, reduce the role of material resources. Thus for the competitiveness in the leading position of out knowledge. Knowledge turned into a resource in the socio-economic context and meaning. Knowledge is a special resource that has the specific dynamics of formation and management requires special concepts. Knowledge management allows to find the necessary information and resources of knowledge, to acquire relevant knowledge to use them to implement strategies in the public interest.
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Keywords: cognitive management, innovation strategies, innovations, knowledge, society, governance, resources.
DOI 10.17586/2310-1172-2017-10-4-119-124