Scientific journal NRU ITMO
Series "Economics and Environmental Management"
Registration certificate ЭЛ № ФС 77 – 55411 от 17.09.2013
registered by the Federal Inspectorate Service for Communication, Information Technologies and Communication Media

June 2017 (published: 30.06.2017)

Number 2(29)

Home > Issue > The impact of the state of city-forming enterprises on single-industry towns stability

UDC 332.142+338.246.2

The impact of the state of city-forming enterprises on single-industry towns stability

Alpatov G.Е., Iakushkina A.A.

Abstract. In terms of increasing attention towards the problem of single-industry towns in Russia from the Government and institutions of regional development there is a need to measure the impact of the state of city-forming enterprises on the stability of monoprofile municipalities. Historically, the phenomenon of single-industry towns is determined primarily by the dependence of socio-economic development of settlement on the city-forming industry or enterprises. However, due to the change of the factors behind criticality of single-industry townsposition over time and updating the priority methods of evaluation, the state of city-forming enterprises affects monotownrisk with a varying egree. The topicality of the problem stated is connected with the necessity of adequate monotowns risk evaluation and boosting efficiency of measures implemented by state government. Undertaken actions shouldin fluence improving socio-economic stability in monoprofile municipalities favorably by applying economic policy instruments in practice. In the article, the attempt is made to identify to what extent the state of city-forming industry determines the current risk level (set at the national level) of any monoprofile municipality. The article assesses the applicability of economic policy instruments to reduce the risks of single-industry towns. It is shown that diversification of business, including support for small business, leads to the stability of the monotown economy only under the condition of an external source of inflows from trade with other regions.

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Keywords: monotown, monoprofile municipality, single-industry town, non-diversified economy

DOI 10.17586/2310-1172-2017-10-2-8-17

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