Scientific journal NRU ITMO
Series "Economics and Environmental Management"
Registration certificate ЭЛ № ФС 77 – 55411 от 17.09.2013
registered by the Federal Inspectorate Service for Communication, Information Technologies and Communication Media

September 2016 (published: 30.09.2016)

Number 3(26)

Home > Issue > State and ways of strengthening of «the ecological framework» of the Volgograd region

UDC 504.064.2

State and ways of strengthening of «the ecological framework» of the Volgograd region

Mitrofanova I.V. , Pashkova E.S.

Abstract. In the article it is noted that emissions of harmful substances from which the largest part is made by steel works, the enterprises of fuel, petrochemical and chemical industry the growing number of vehicles, insufficient level of gardening, irrational, unorganized placement of waste, etc. make a negative impact on the ecology of the city of Volgograd and the region in general. Main pollutants of reservoirs are: housing and communal services, industrial enterprises, the agricultural enterprises which are actively dumping sewage in reservoirs. Special fears are caused by the quality of the surface water which does not correspond to standards. The change of the hydrological mode of the drain of the Volga River has led to an exhaustion and a shallowing of water reservoirs of the Volga-Akhtubinsky flood plain, reduction of the period of its flooding. Among the priorities are: introduction of innovative technologies of protection of waters from pollution, contaminants and exhaustions; use of effective methods of the prevention and elimination of harmful effects; protection of the rights of the enterprises, organizations, establishments and citizens, strengthening of the legislation in the field of the water relations. The authors has given an assessment to the package of measures which are realized in the Volgograd region for the improvement of ecology on a program and target basis today, the main defined points of correction of regional environmental policy are revealed.

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Keywords: regional ecology, atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere, toxic waste, pollution of reservoirs, erosion of soils, target programs, utilization, innovations, efficiency

DOI 10.17586/2310-1172-2016-9-3-93-97

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