About the issue
September 2016 (published: 30.09.2016)
Number 3(26)
The modern model of management of social investments in business organization
Brazevich D.S. , Gerasimova A.Yu., Tolstikova Irina I.
Abstract. The article discusses the management and organizational model of management of social investment, evolving with the development of corporate practice. A comparative analysis and identify the most effective models for foreign and domestic corporations. Also in the article the study of social investment processes, which occupies an important place in economic science and socio-economic practice. This is especially necessary for the modern Russian society, standing in front of the decision of the two strategic objectives: building a social market economy and the transition from an industrial to a post-industrial, mostly innovative way of development.
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Keywords: social investment, social investment model, management model, corporate practices.
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The modern model of management of social investments in business organization
Abstract. The article discusses the management and organizational model of management of social investment, evolving with the development of corporate practice. A comparative analysis and identify the most effective models for foreign and domestic corporations. Also in the article the study of social investment processes, which occupies an important place in economic science and socio-economic practice. This is especially necessary for the modern Russian society, standing in front of the decision of the two strategic objectives: building a social market economy and the transition from an industrial to a post-industrial, mostly innovative way of development.
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Keywords: social investment, social investment model, management model, corporate practices.
DOI 10.17586/2310-1172-2016-9-3-85-92