About the issue
June 2016 (published: 20.06.2016)
Number 2(25)
Differentiation of processes of management of activity as factor of integration
of management into the organizations
Vasilenok V.L., Brazevich D.S. , Gerasimova A.Yu., Tolstikova Irina I.
Abstract. The article analyzes the value controls management activities, determining goals, process and result of changes in the organizational culture of the Russian enterprises in the current socio-cultural conditions. Analysis of the works in the field of management and sociology, cross-cultural management has shown that modern managers in all cultures hold basically the same values. At the same time, the hierarchy of values is different. It is usually determined by the socio-cultural context and affects both the effectiveness of organizations and enterprises, and on the socio - economic development of society as a whole. In this regard, it seems urgent to study valuable mechanisms regulating management activities, the study of the degree of influence and interaction of socio-cultural, pragmatic target, of conscious and unconscious aspects of a holistic regulatory mechanism in the process of formation of organizational culture of modern Russian enterprises.
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Keywords: management activities, value orientation , value adjustments, organizational culture, management.
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UDC 316.334.23
Differentiation of processes of management of activity as factor of integration
of management into the organizations
Abstract. The article analyzes the value controls management activities, determining goals, process and result of changes in the organizational culture of the Russian enterprises in the current socio-cultural conditions. Analysis of the works in the field of management and sociology, cross-cultural management has shown that modern managers in all cultures hold basically the same values. At the same time, the hierarchy of values is different. It is usually determined by the socio-cultural context and affects both the effectiveness of organizations and enterprises, and on the socio - economic development of society as a whole. In this regard, it seems urgent to study valuable mechanisms regulating management activities, the study of the degree of influence and interaction of socio-cultural, pragmatic target, of conscious and unconscious aspects of a holistic regulatory mechanism in the process of formation of organizational culture of modern Russian enterprises.
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Keywords: management activities, value orientation , value adjustments, organizational culture, management.
DOI 10.17586/2310-1172-2016-9-2-123-128