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March 2016 (published: 30.03.2016)
Number 1(24)
Home > Issue > Defining the zones of innovation attractiveness for a science-intensive
industrial enterprise
Chudesova G.P.
During the period of accelerated innovation development it is necessary to develop such an organizational structure of the enterprise, which is able to adapt to market conditions, which are constantly changing. Special role in this process is given to the selection of zones of innovation attractiveness (ZIA), a segment of external environment, with which the company is already in contact (or is going to come in contact). ZIA are defined as a result of strategic segmentation of the entire sphere of industrial activity of the enterprise. The article offers a methodology of analyzing the competitors’ pressure in the sphere of the studied ZIA, which is required for the evaluation of cost effectiveness of this or that zone. In order to provide for necessary flexibility of strategic set of ZIA, the marketing experts are offered the methodology of modeling possible events and dynamics of state of unstable environment, which allows for evaluating their possible influence upon potentiality and cost effectiveness of selected, approved and balanced ZIA. The work is performed as part of marketing programs aimed at creating competitive product (technology) and conquering the market of ZIA. The result of the performed work is the obtainment of the optimum strategic set of ZIA, which constitutes the basis for formation of strategic space of all direction of distribution activity in short-term and long-term perspectives. The potentiality of ZIA is defined by a set of factors of success, cost effectiveness and stability (non-stability) of external environment. Admissible variants of sets are formed out of all potential ZIA. Each of such variants is a set of ZIA, which is strategic for the given enterprise, if certain requirements concerning the growth rate, cost effectiveness, flexibility and synergetic effect, planned for near and distant future are adhered to within this variant. In order that only the promising zones should be included within such variant, it is proposed to use the matrices of balance ZIA life cycle, which enable to define the possibility of attaining the required balance between short-term and long-term cost effectiveness of industrial activity of the company in future.
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Keywords: zones of innovative attractiveness, strategic planning, organizational structure of the enterprise, strategy of organizational changes.
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UDC 658.014 (438)
Defining the zones of innovation attractiveness for a science-intensive
industrial enterprise
During the period of accelerated innovation development it is necessary to develop such an organizational structure of the enterprise, which is able to adapt to market conditions, which are constantly changing. Special role in this process is given to the selection of zones of innovation attractiveness (ZIA), a segment of external environment, with which the company is already in contact (or is going to come in contact). ZIA are defined as a result of strategic segmentation of the entire sphere of industrial activity of the enterprise. The article offers a methodology of analyzing the competitors’ pressure in the sphere of the studied ZIA, which is required for the evaluation of cost effectiveness of this or that zone. In order to provide for necessary flexibility of strategic set of ZIA, the marketing experts are offered the methodology of modeling possible events and dynamics of state of unstable environment, which allows for evaluating their possible influence upon potentiality and cost effectiveness of selected, approved and balanced ZIA. The work is performed as part of marketing programs aimed at creating competitive product (technology) and conquering the market of ZIA. The result of the performed work is the obtainment of the optimum strategic set of ZIA, which constitutes the basis for formation of strategic space of all direction of distribution activity in short-term and long-term perspectives. The potentiality of ZIA is defined by a set of factors of success, cost effectiveness and stability (non-stability) of external environment. Admissible variants of sets are formed out of all potential ZIA. Each of such variants is a set of ZIA, which is strategic for the given enterprise, if certain requirements concerning the growth rate, cost effectiveness, flexibility and synergetic effect, planned for near and distant future are adhered to within this variant. In order that only the promising zones should be included within such variant, it is proposed to use the matrices of balance ZIA life cycle, which enable to define the possibility of attaining the required balance between short-term and long-term cost effectiveness of industrial activity of the company in future.
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Keywords: zones of innovative attractiveness, strategic planning, organizational structure of the enterprise, strategy of organizational changes.
DOI 10.17586/2310-1172-2016-9-1-123-129