About the issue
March 2016 (published: 30.03.2016)
Number 1(24)
Providing law and order and legality as key factor
of economic security of the Russian Federation
Kolotilin A.V., Kuszczak A. I.
Abstract. Now the economy of our state endures the difficult period. Essential reduction of the income of the budget as a result of sharp falling of prices of oil, set of the external economic sanctions, an intense geopolitical situation caused falling of level of solvency and life of the population of the country, increase in unemployment, crisis in many branches of economy, including in the bank sphere. In this connection law enforcement and legality at all levels of activity of society and state for ensuring normal functioning of the state, protection of economy against negative external and internal factors, safety of the population and the state is especially important. Radical forces in and out of the Russian state aspire all means to use the unstable phenomena in economy to loosen bases of the constitutional system of our state, to spread chaos and panic, to provoke the population to illegal actions. As protection against similar forces we can use strengthening of the mode of legality in the territory of our state in interests of our general future. Only thus we will be able to promote not simply an exit of the Russian economy from crisis, but also to provide it post-crisis development and improve-ment.
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Keywords: Russian Federation; law and order; legality; bases of the constitutional system of the Russian Federation; economic security; economic stability and development; modern economy of the state.
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UDC 338.222
Providing law and order and legality as key factor
of economic security of the Russian Federation
Abstract. Now the economy of our state endures the difficult period. Essential reduction of the income of the budget as a result of sharp falling of prices of oil, set of the external economic sanctions, an intense geopolitical situation caused falling of level of solvency and life of the population of the country, increase in unemployment, crisis in many branches of economy, including in the bank sphere. In this connection law enforcement and legality at all levels of activity of society and state for ensuring normal functioning of the state, protection of economy against negative external and internal factors, safety of the population and the state is especially important. Radical forces in and out of the Russian state aspire all means to use the unstable phenomena in economy to loosen bases of the constitutional system of our state, to spread chaos and panic, to provoke the population to illegal actions. As protection against similar forces we can use strengthening of the mode of legality in the territory of our state in interests of our general future. Only thus we will be able to promote not simply an exit of the Russian economy from crisis, but also to provide it post-crisis development and improve-ment.
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Keywords: Russian Federation; law and order; legality; bases of the constitutional system of the Russian Federation; economic security; economic stability and development; modern economy of the state.
DOI 10.17586/2310-1172-2016-9-1-27-31