About the issue
2015 (published: 02.12.2015)
Number 4(23)
Forms and social technology mobilizes management system business
Vasilenok V.L., Brazevich D.S.
Abstract. In article the analysis of the modern content of administrative socially oriented technologies of the mobilizing development for the sphere of business is carried out. The purpose of article is search of the new methods and applied means of management providing effective business activity in the course of transformation and modernization of the Russian society, defines the practical importance and prospects of administrative culture. It is known that the universal concept according to which in society the principle of promotion will be approved to the leading posts of the most capable people selected from all social groups doesn't exist in one society, including the most modern. The Russian business serves as a subject of intensive scientific researches - it is studied by philosophers, sociologists, economists, psychologists, historians and other experts. The conventional attractive line of a profession of the manager is opportunity to realize the ideas, independently to make decisions on the important problems concerning life of the enterprise, the organization, firm.
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Keywords: mobilization management, entrepreneurship, small and medium businesses, corporate social responsibility, corporate culture, social technologies.
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UDC 316.334.23
Forms and social technology mobilizes management system business
Abstract. In article the analysis of the modern content of administrative socially oriented technologies of the mobilizing development for the sphere of business is carried out. The purpose of article is search of the new methods and applied means of management providing effective business activity in the course of transformation and modernization of the Russian society, defines the practical importance and prospects of administrative culture. It is known that the universal concept according to which in society the principle of promotion will be approved to the leading posts of the most capable people selected from all social groups doesn't exist in one society, including the most modern. The Russian business serves as a subject of intensive scientific researches - it is studied by philosophers, sociologists, economists, psychologists, historians and other experts. The conventional attractive line of a profession of the manager is opportunity to realize the ideas, independently to make decisions on the important problems concerning life of the enterprise, the organization, firm.
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Keywords: mobilization management, entrepreneurship, small and medium businesses, corporate social responsibility, corporate culture, social technologies.