Scientific journal NRU ITMO
Series "Economics and Environmental Management"
Registration certificate ЭЛ № ФС 77 – 55411 от 17.09.2013
registered by the Federal Inspectorate Service for Communication, Information Technologies and Communication Media

2015 (published: 02.12.2015)

Number 4(23)

Home > Issue > Assessment of prospects of social and economic development zernoproduktovy subcomplex of the Ulyanovsk region in a context need of ensuring food security

UDC 332.135

Assessment of prospects of social and economic development zernoproduktovy subcomplex of the Ulyanovsk region in a context need of ensuring food security

Ruslan Mansurov

Abstract. The article presents the analysis of the current state of grain products sub complex of the Ulyanovsk region. The study aimed at assessment of possible prospects of its development taking into account the need to improve food security in the region. As the object of research is the grain products subcomplex of the Ulyanovsk region, the subject of the study are the economic mechanisms of interaction between producers and grain processors. In this paper we use mathematical methods and comparative analysis, and economic-statistical methods. The study showed that currently the Ulyanovsk oblast may not fully address their need in the flour. Annual production of flour in the area is 111,6 thousand tons of flour, while the standard needs to 132.6 thousand tons of flour. The annual deficit is about 21 thousand tons of flour. Taking into account the need to achieve self-sufficiency in flour, seems relevant issues on further development of milling facilities in the area. Was conducted the zoning districts and the locations of the optimal placement of the potential milling capacity. It has identified four commodity areas: Ulyanovsk, Inzensky, Nikolaev, Melekessky with centers respectively in Ulyanovsk, Inza, p. Nikolaevka, a town of Dimitrovgrad. Calculated the main indicators of grain products subcomplex to achieve self-sufficiency in flour and predictive indicators of development in the perspective till 2030.

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Keywords: grain products sub-complex, agriculture, allocation of agricultural enterprises, placement mills, food security.

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