About the issue
September 2015 (published: 14.09.2015)
Number 3(22)
From paper forms up to the newest forms of electronic payments
Sizov A.A. , Kulikova M.A.
Abstract. Modern development of the market of financial services which render banks, is accompanied by rough introduction of electronic technologies and wide use of plastic cards. It is not necessary to consider current evolution of electronic means of payment by the finished phenomenon. Today the highest stage of development of money resources are ecash which properties are in continuous development. The increase in volumes of operations with plastic cards in trading - a service network is one of key directions of card business: raises a level of financial culture of the population of the country, does possible for emitters and acvaers to increase profitableness of card portfolios. For a turn of ecash complex enough technologies are used, and, commercial banks, independently not always want and are capable to develop new products. In clause the analysis of one of most stably developing versions of services, namely issue bank plastic cards is spent. The urgency of given clause consists in studying new electronic forms of payments and prospects of their development. Process of use of plastic cards as means of payment in the organizations of retail trade and occurrence is considered thus of some lacks. In given clause the mechanism of payment of obligatory payments on an example of customs sphere is in detail described. The statistics on operations with bank plastic cards in the Russian Federation is analysed.
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Keywords: clearing settlements, a plastic card, transactions, banking account, an electronic payment, issue.
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UDC 336.717.18
From paper forms up to the newest forms of electronic payments
Abstract. Modern development of the market of financial services which render banks, is accompanied by rough introduction of electronic technologies and wide use of plastic cards. It is not necessary to consider current evolution of electronic means of payment by the finished phenomenon. Today the highest stage of development of money resources are ecash which properties are in continuous development. The increase in volumes of operations with plastic cards in trading - a service network is one of key directions of card business: raises a level of financial culture of the population of the country, does possible for emitters and acvaers to increase profitableness of card portfolios. For a turn of ecash complex enough technologies are used, and, commercial banks, independently not always want and are capable to develop new products. In clause the analysis of one of most stably developing versions of services, namely issue bank plastic cards is spent. The urgency of given clause consists in studying new electronic forms of payments and prospects of their development. Process of use of plastic cards as means of payment in the organizations of retail trade and occurrence is considered thus of some lacks. In given clause the mechanism of payment of obligatory payments on an example of customs sphere is in detail described. The statistics on operations with bank plastic cards in the Russian Federation is analysed.
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Keywords: clearing settlements, a plastic card, transactions, banking account, an electronic payment, issue.