Scientific journal NRU ITMO
Series "Economics and Environmental Management"
Registration certificate ЭЛ № ФС 77 – 55411 от 17.09.2013
registered by the Federal Inspectorate Service for Communication, Information Technologies and Communication Media

June 2015 (published: 01.06.2015)

Number 2(21)

Home > Issue > Reform of higher education in Russia Federation

UDC 378.1

Reform of higher education in Russia Federation

Palchikov A.N., Gromtsev A.S.

Abstract. The problems of higher education in Russia, emerged in recent decades. Opened a lot of universities and their affiliates. The number of specialists with higher education, but unfortunately their professional level does not meet modern requirements. Besides the modern education system in the European integrated RF (Bologna) education system. All this requires new approaches to the organization of higher education and the work of universities. Ways to solve the problems in our view need to solve the following: To strengthen the integration of universities into powerful teaching and research centers; Staffing universities young scientific and teaching staff; Introduction of a system of continuous training; Optimization of the network of universities and others. All of the above can improve the quality of higher education, adequate requirement of the XXI century.

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Keywords: reform, higher education, instructor, education, student, master.

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