Scientific journal NRU ITMO
Series "Economics and Environmental Management"
Registration certificate ЭЛ № ФС 77 – 55411 от 17.09.2013
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June 2015 (published: 01.06.2015)

Number 2(21)

Home > Issue > The centralized and decentralized strategies and methods of management of small business

UDC 65.012

The centralized and decentralized strategies and methods of management of small business

Negreeva V.V., Aleksashkina E.I., Aleksashkin Y.N.

Abstract. The article describes the centralized and decentralized strategies of management of small business. Practice doesn't meet completely centralized or decentralized organizations. Extent of centralization varies from the organization, where the most part if not all powers necessary for adoption of the major decisions remain top-managers, to the organization where the most part of such rights and authorities are delegated to managers of lower level. The difference consists only in relative extent of delegation of the rights and powers. Therefore any organization can be called centralized or decentralized only in comparison with other organizations or in comparison with itself, but during other periods. Also in article the main methods of management are considered. These include economic, economic-mathematical, social and psychological, organizational and administrative, impact on the basis of leadership, automated, program-targeted and problem-oriented methods.

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Keywords: small business, centralization and decentralization of business, authorities, methods of management of business

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