About the issue
December 2014 (published: 09.12.2014)
Number 4(19)
Productivity of human labor, structural and reproductive performance in contemporary country's economy
Kornyakov V.I., Alexeeva N.A.
Abstract. The theory of public reproduction established that the objective mechanism of material and economic connection yesterday, today, tomorrow is being developed in the past and the future the spiral "production of means of production for means of production" ("Marx's ring"), imprinted by the well-known schemes of public reproduction. Authors show all movement and rotation of "ring" thanks to which, the economic matter moving in public reproduction, forks twice in article. Filosovsko-ekonomicheski considered by authors over difficult the substantsionalny essence of public reproduction is represented creation of the Nature of the same order, as well as creation of the conceiving substance transformed in reproduction by it. As confirmation of idea on the Nature role the proximity of ratios serves in emergence of substantsionalny formation of public reproduction of "Marx's ring" and Fibonacci's coefficients. Thus, substantsionalny education of public reproduction has the natural and public bases.
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Keywords: public reproduction, «Marx's ring», economic matter, spiral.
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UDC 330.554.2
Productivity of human labor, structural and reproductive performance in contemporary country's economy
Abstract. The theory of public reproduction established that the objective mechanism of material and economic connection yesterday, today, tomorrow is being developed in the past and the future the spiral "production of means of production for means of production" ("Marx's ring"), imprinted by the well-known schemes of public reproduction. Authors show all movement and rotation of "ring" thanks to which, the economic matter moving in public reproduction, forks twice in article. Filosovsko-ekonomicheski considered by authors over difficult the substantsionalny essence of public reproduction is represented creation of the Nature of the same order, as well as creation of the conceiving substance transformed in reproduction by it. As confirmation of idea on the Nature role the proximity of ratios serves in emergence of substantsionalny formation of public reproduction of "Marx's ring" and Fibonacci's coefficients. Thus, substantsionalny education of public reproduction has the natural and public bases.
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Keywords: public reproduction, «Marx's ring», economic matter, spiral.